Official Statistics

Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics Final May, Provisional June 2016

This series has replaced the Monthly MHLDS reports. The scope has been broadened to include CAMHS services and restructured to support waiting time measurement for specific services.


Mental Health Services Monthly Statistics Final May, Provisional June 2016


This release presents experimental statistics from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS), using final submissions for May 2016.

This data set replaces the Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Data Set (MHLDDS). As well as analysis of waiting times, first published in March 2016, this release includes elements of the reports that were previously included in monthly reports produced from final MHLDDS submissions. It also includes some new measures.

Because of the scope of the changes to the data set (resulting in the name change to MHSDS and the new name for these monthly reports) it will take time to re-introduce all possible measures that were previously part of the MHLDS Monthly Reports. Additional measures will be added to this report in the coming months. Further details about these changes and the consultation that informed were announced in November. From January 2016 the release includes information on people in children and young people’s mental health services, including CAMHS, for the first time.

Learning disabilities services have been included since September 2014.

The expansion in the scope of the data set means that many of the basic measures in this release now cover a wider set of services. We have introduced service-level breakdowns for some measures to provide new information to users, but also, importantly, to provide comparability with key measures that were part of the previous monthly release.

We will release the reports as experimental statistics until the characteristics of data flowed using the new data standard are understood.

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Published 23 August 2016

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