Accredited official statistics

Monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations

Cumulative installation numbers and capacity of schemes under 5MW installed in Great Britain.


Monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations

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Statistics presented in the monthly table show the number of installations and capacity installed, broken down by technology type. These schemes have been registered on the Microgeneration Certification Scheme - MCS Installation Database or accredited through the ROOFiT scheme. Not all the schemes in the table below will have completed registration for a Feed-in tariff, there is no guarantee that all installations will be eligible for or decide to apply for the FITs.

As of January 2018, this table will be updated on a quarterly basis (but retaining a monthly time-series).

Following the closure of the Feed-in-Tariff scheme in March 2019, the release published in October 2019 will be the final release of this publication. The purpose of these tables was to provide an early view of the rate of Feed-in Tariff installations using data from the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) database and ROOFIT scheme before data were available from Ofgem’s Central FiTs Register (CFR). As FiTs is now closed to new applicants there will be no further updates of this early view. Revisions to the CFR data are published in the release Sub-regional Feed-in Tariffs statistics.


For enquiries concerning this this table email

Updates to this page

Published 23 April 2014
Last updated 31 October 2019 show all updates
  1. Latest data published.

  2. Latest data published.

  3. March 2019 data published.

  4. December 2018 data published.

  5. September 2018 data published.

  6. June 2018 FiTs deployment statistics published.

  7. March 2018 FITs commissioned installations published.

  8. December 2017 FiT Deployment Statistics.

  9. November 2017 data published.

  10. October 2017 feed in tariff data published and statistics contact updated.

  11. September data.

  12. August FIT deployment statistics published

  13. July 2017 FiTs deployment statistics published.

  14. June 2017 FiTs deployment statistics published.

  15. May 2017 FIT deployment statistics published

  16. April deployment table published.

  17. March 2017 data published

  18. Latest data published.

  19. January 2017 data published.

  20. December spreadsheet published

  21. Latest monthly data published

  22. Latest monthly FITs stats published

  23. Updated monthly installations.

  24. August feed-in tariff commissioned installations.

  25. Updated monthly installations.

  26. Updated data.

  27. Monthly FITs statistics update.

  28. Updated monthly statistics

  29. Updated monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations data

  30. Updated monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations data

  31. Updated monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations data.

  32. Updated stats.

  33. Monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations by month.

  34. Monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations by month.

  35. September data: Monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations

  36. Monthly feed-in tariff commissioned installations by month.

  37. Monthly statistics published today.

  38. June stats published.

  39. Latest data published.

  40. April 2015 FiT deployment statistics.

  41. March 2015 stats published today.

  42. Latest data published.

  43. Latest data published.

  44. Latest table published.

  45. Latest table published.

  46. Latest table published.

  47. Latest data published.

  48. Latest table published.

  49. July statistics published today.

  50. June data published

  51. Latest table published.

  52. Latest table published.

  53. First published.

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