Mortgage and landlord possession statistics: October to December 2019
Quarterly National Statistics on possession claim actions in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords.
The bulletin presents the latest statistics on the numbers of mortgage and landlord possession actions in the county courts of England and Wales. These statistics are a leading indicator of the number of properties to be repossessed and the only source of sub-national possession information. In addition to monitoring court workloads, they are used to assist in the development, monitoring and evaluation of policy both nationally and locally.
A supporting document is included alongside the bulletin with background information on the mortgage court system, policy background, methodology used, a user guide to the data CSVs, and other useful sources of mortgage statistics.
In addition a data visualisation tool is included through Tableau Public, facilitating users to interrogate the data easily.
Updates to this page
The main tables and CSVs accompanying this publication have been updated due to some minor discrepancies found in the data in tables 8 and 9; this affected figures for 2019 only. The tables and CSVs have now been re-uploaded with the corrected figures.
First published.