National curriculum assessments: key stage 2, 2015 (revised)
Revised information on the 2015 national curriculum assessment at key stage 2, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics.
Applies to England
Revised results for key stage 2 (11-year-olds) at national, regional and local authority level.
It includes test results for:
- reading
- maths
- grammar, punctuation and spelling
It covers teacher assessments in:
- English
- maths
- science
- reading and writing
It also includes figures on expected progress between key stage 1 (age 7) and key stage 2.
We have set out information by:
- gender
- ethnicity
- first language
- free school meal eligibility
- disadvantage
- special educational needs
- Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (a measure of economic, social and housing issues)
The figures update provisional data released in August 2015 in SFR 30/2015.
Primary attainment statistics team
Telephone: Gemma Coleman 020 7783 8239