National curriculum assessments: key stage 2, 2016 (revised)
Revised information on the 2016 national curriculum assessment at key stage 2, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics.
Applies to England
This statistical first release provides revised 2016 key stage 2 national curriculum assessment results for pupils in schools in England at national, regional and local authority level.
It also provides:
- figures on the new measures of pupil progress between key stage 1 (typically age 7) and key stage 2 (typically age 11)
- a summary of the school-level results provided in the performance tables
- breakdowns by pupil characteristics
Primary attainment statistics team
Telephone: Gemma Coleman 020 7783 8239
Updates to this page
Updated confidence intervals in Table N9 in 'National tables: SFR62/2016'.
Updated unclassified ethnicity and unclassified special educational needs (SEN) figures in national tables.
Added data table and updated text on coasting schools.
First published.