Official Statistics

National Indicator 8: Interim data

These statistics on NI 8 produced by DCMS were released on 17 June 2010 according to the arrangements approved by UK Statistics Authority.


National Indicators 8: Interim progress

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National Indicators 8: Interim progress

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National Indicators 8: Dataset

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Pre-release access list

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Release date 17 June 2010

Period covered

April 2008 to April 2010

Geographic coverage


Geographic breakdown

Local Authority level data

Previous release date

17th December 2009

The previous release can be found in the UK government web archive.

Next release dates

  • December 2010: Final assessment of progress for NI9 and 11 using data collected from October 2009 to October 2010
  • June 2011: Interim data will be published for NI8 with final progress reported in December 2011 based on data collected in Active People 5.

National Indicator Set

In June 2008, local authorities agreed Local Area Agreements (LAAs) with Government and their partners. The LAAs include targets to improve public services and the quality of life for people living and working in the area. Local authorities chose 35 targets from a possible 198 in the National Indicator Set. The set was reduced to 188 in April 2008 and was reviewed again in April 2010, with the set reduced by a further 18 indicators. Indicator NI 10, visits to museums and galleries, was removed from the set leaving DCMS with three National Indicators (NIs) within the Set:

NI 8 Participation in sport and active recreation
NI 9 Use of public libraries
NI 11 Engagement in the arts 

Data will continue to be collected on visits to museums and galleries and will be presented alongside the final assessment of National Indicators 9 and 11 in December 2010.

This report presents interim progress for those local authorities that selected National Indicator 8. Data published for County Councils and those authorities that have boosted samples will be based on Active People Survey data from the latest 12 month rolling period (April 2009 to April 2010). For the other authorities, the NI8 statistic will be based on the latest rolling 24 month period (April 2008 to April 2010) giving a sample size of 1000.

The report is accompanied by a workbook containing baseline and interim progress estimates for the indicator.

For details on NI 8, participation in sport and active recreation, please refer to Sport England’s website.


The estimates are available in the Excel workbook and will open in a new window. A map is also provided, showing participation across the unitary and district authorities of England.

Map showing sporting participation by local authority

map showing sporting participation by local authority

Pre-release access

The document below contains a list of DCMS Ministers and Officials who have received privileged early access to this release of Active People survey data. In line with best practice, the list has been kept to a minimum and those given access for briefing purposes had a maximum of 24 hours.
Pre-release access list (PDF 10kb)

The UK Statistics Authority

This release is published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (2009), as produced by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA). The UKSA has the overall objective of promoting and safeguarding the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good. It monitors and reports on all official statistics, and promotes good practice in this area.

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Published 21 June 2010

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