National non-domestic rates collected by councils in England: 2021 to 2022
Details of the national non-domestic rates collected by local authorities in the financial year 2021 to 2022 using provisional pre-audit data.
Applies to England
Details of the total amount of national non-domestic rates (also known as business rates) local authorities collected in 2021 to 2022 and the reliefs they granted. Data in the original release were provisional prior to audit of local authority accounts, with updates published to reflect amendments to the provisional figures following either audit or further validation. Changes since the original publication are minimal.
Updates to this page
Updated with post-audit data for an additional 8 authorities and changes to the provisional data for 2 authorities. Changes to England-level totals are small.
The data has been updated to reflect audited returns from 79 authorities, including changes from 23 authorities.
Updated with post-audit data for 22 authorities, including changes to data for 5 authorities. Changes to England-level totals are small.
First published.