Neighbourhood statistics in England: academic year 2012 to 2013
This publication provides 2013 data on residency-based pupil attainment and absence by gender, free school meal eligibility and ethnicity.
Applies to England
The tables provide 2013 information on residency-based small area pupil attainment (early years foundation stage profile and key stages 1, 2, 4 and 5) The data is broken down by:
- gender
- free school meal eligibility (key stages 1, 2 and 4 only)
- ethnicity (key stages 2 and 4 only)
The tables also provide information on residency-based pupil absence broken down by gender for the 2012 to 2013 academic year.
The tables can be viewed and downloaded from the ONS website at
Additional information: maps
The maps accompanying this publication show pupil attainment or absence rates at either local authority district (LAD) or middle super output area (MSOA) level.
The attainment/absence bandings given in the maps have been classified into quantiles where each class banding contains approximate equal numbers of data values.
Jenny Easby
0207 783 8457