Official Statistics

NHS Staff Earnings Estimates September 2018, Provisional Statistics

Information on the average annual earnings of high level staff groups across the NHS in England, to September 2018


NHS Staff Earnings Estimates September 2018, Provisional Statistics


The recommendations from the 2015 consultation on HCHS workforce statistics have been applied HCHS earnings statistics showing figures up to the end of September 2017.

Previously published figures have been revised. These tables cover the period from 30 September 2009 through to 31 September 2018 and use four main earnings measures.

As expected with provisional statistics, some figures may be revised from month to month as issues are uncovered and resolved.

No refreshes of the provisional data will take place either as part of the regular publication process, or where minor enhancements to the methodology have an insignificant impact on the figures at a national level. However, the provisional status allows for this to occur if it is determined that a refresh of data is required subsequent to initial release.

Where a refresh of data occurs, it will be clearly documented in the publications.

We welcome feedback on the methodology and tables within this publication. Please send your comments and suggestions, clearly stating NHS Staff Earnings as the subject heading through to or 0300 303 5678.

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Published 20 December 2018

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