Accredited official statistics

Offender management statistics quarterly: October to December 2019

Detailed quarterly statistics on offenders in custody (including offence groups, sentence lengths and nationalities), and quarterly and annual statistics on prison receptions, prison releases, adjudications, licence recalls and offenders under probation supervision.

Applies to England and Wales


Offender management statistics quarterly: October to December 2019 and annual 2019 (PDF)

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Guide to offender management statistics

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Prison Population: 31 March 2020

Prison population data tool

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Prison receptions: October to December 2019

Prison releases: October to December 2019

Probation: October to December 2019

Licence recalls: October to December 2019

Adjudications: October to December 2019

Prison receptions: 2019

Prison releases: 2019

Probation: 2019

Revisions: Probation 2017 and 2018 and 2019 Q1

Adjudications: 2019

CSV dataset and variable guide (zip)

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Users of offender management statistics

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Restricted patients: 2019

Restricted patients statistical bulletin: 2019

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Latest figures for the quarter October to December 2019 (and annual figures for 2019) are provided and compared to the same period in 2018. This is with the exception of the prison population where more recent data are available (31 March 2020).

We regularly carry out work to improve our statistics. This edition of the Offender Management Statistics quarterly includes an additional workbook which provides revisions to some of the probation-related statistics presented in previous releases. Whilst most of these revisions are minor and do not affect the overall narrative and/or trend, please refer to the Guide to Offender Management Statistics for more information about these changes

The figures presented in this workbook therefore replace the equivalent statistics presented within the ‘Offender Management statistics quarterly: October to December 2017’, ‘Offender Management Statistics quarterly: October to December 2018’ and the ‘Offender Management Statistics quarterly: January to March 2019’ publications.

Pre-release list

Offender Management Statistics is produced and handled by the Ministry of Justice’s (MOJ) analytical professionals and production staff. Pre-release access of up to 24 hours is granted to the following persons:

Ministry of Justice

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Prisons; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Youth Justice; Permanent Secretary; Director General, Policy, Communications and Analysis; Director of Prison Policy and Reform; Director of Data and Analysis; Deputy Director, Head of Justice Statistics Analytical Services; Head of Bail, Sentencing and Release Policy; relevant private secretaries (x10), special advisors (x2), analytical officers (x12), policy officers (x9) and press officers (x9).

HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS)

HMPPS Chief Executive; Deputy Director, Head of Offender Management and Public Protection Group (OMPPG); Head of Public Protection Casework Section; Deputy Director, Head of Prison and Probation Analytical Services; and relevant analytical officers (x1) and policy officers (x2). Other government departments Home Office: Secretary of State; Permanent Secretary; and relevant private secretaries.

Updates to this page

Published 30 April 2020
Last updated 8 June 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated 'Restricted patients' document

  2. First published.

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