Official Statistics

Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013

Includes data and analysis of where all children looked after by local authorities in England were placed as at 31 March 2013.


Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 (Final)

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Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 (Final)

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Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 - explanation of 18 August 2014 correction

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Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 - explanation of 18 August 2014 correction

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Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 - explanation of 13 June 2014 correction

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Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 - explanation of 13 June 2014 correction

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Children looked after placements at 31 March 2013 - data for charts

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Pre-release access list children looked after placement data

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Pre-release access list children looked after placement data

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The data comes from a new data collection Ofsted conducted in July 2013. The collection was a voluntary process for local authorities: all 152 authorities returned data. Local authorities provided placement data and we matched this data to Ofsted inspection judgement data.

The combined data enable local authorities to informs discussion – for example around commissioning arrangements and outcomes for children looked after – as well as benchmarking against comparators.

We have used the data to informs inspections of services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers which began in November 2013.

This is the first time we have published a statistics release on this data collection.

The release is experimental and we would welcome comments on how we could improve this release in the future. Please send any comments to

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Published 12 June 2014

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