Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation: arrests, outcomes and stops and searches, quarterly update to 30 June 2013, Great Britain
Published 12 December 2013
This release brings together statistical material relating to the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT), including arrests and their outcomes, as well as breakdowns of stops and searches made under the powers of the Act. Data presented here were submitted to the Home Office by the Association of Chief Police Officers, Crown Prosecution Service, National Offender Management Service, Scottish Prison Service and police forces in Great Britain, and cover the period up to 30 June 2013.
The coverage of this quarterly release has been expanded to include additional detail, comparable to data published in ‘annual’ releases of ‘Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000’ published each year in September. Unless otherwise stated below, the breakdowns cover the 9 quarters from 1 April 2011 to 30 June 2013 and a total since 11 September 2011. These include:
offence breakdowns of persons charged and found guilty of terrorism-related offences
breakdowns of arrests, charges and terrorism-related convictions by sex, age group, ethnicity, nationality and category of person
breakdowns of prison population by self-defined ethnicity, self-declared-nationality and self-declared religion as at 30 June 2013 (previously only published at the end of each financial year)
Data on appeals dealt with by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and data on police cordons will continue to be published on a financial-year basis only, with the next data scheduled for release in autumn 2014.
Further information on this release is available in the user guide. The guide contains further information about TACT, explains categories and terminology used in this release and gives information about the data providers. Data tables also accompany this release.
1. Summary points
1.1 Arrests and outcomes
In the year ending 30 June 2013:
There were 242 persons arrested for terrorism-related offences, up from 232 in the previous year.
Forty-nine per cent of terrorism arrests resulted in a charge, an increase of 7 percentage points on the previous year.
Of the charges brought during the year, 34% were terrorism-related.
At the time of publication, 20 of the 40 persons charged with terrorism-related offences had been convicted of an offence, with 18 defendants awaiting trial and 2 not proceeded against.
1.2 Court proceedings
Data provided by the Crown Prosecution Service show that 40 of the 44 trials completed during the year for terrorism-related offences resulted in convictions.
Of the 40 defendants convicted, 39 were sentenced to immediate custody, 1 of whom received a life sentence. The remaining defendant received a hospital order.
1.3 Terrorist and extremist prisoners
As at 30 June 2013, 128 persons were in prison custody in Great Britain for terrorism-related offences, 78% of whom were UK nationals. Twenty-seven prisoners were classified as domestic extremists/separatists.
Forty-six persons were released during the year ending 30 June 2013.
1.4 Stops and searches
No searches were made by the police in Great Britain under section 47A of the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT) in the year ending 30 June 2013. To date, no searches have been made in Great Britain under this power.
A total of 55,037 persons were stopped at ports in Great Britain under Schedule 7 of TACT, a fall of 10% on the previous year. In total, 650 persons were detained after a Schedule 7 examination in the year ending 30 June 2013.
The Metropolitan Police Service stopped and searched 568 persons under section 43 of TACT. This represents a 16% fall on the previous year total of 680. The arrest rate for s43 searches was 6.3%, up 2 percentage points on the previous year.
2. Arrests and outcomes
2.1 Introduction
Statistics are presented here on the number of persons arrested by police in Great Britain, where there is suspicion of involvement with terrorism. Outcomes of these arrests are also included up to the stage of prosecution, release, or other outcome. The information presented here was provided by the Association of Chief Police Officers’ Counter Terrorism Co-ordination Centre (ACTCC), based on the latest position with each case at the date of data provision (18 October 2013) and covers the period up to 30 June 2013.
2.2 Arrests
The relatively small numbers of persons arrested for terrorism-related offences each year mean that proportionally large fluctuations in arrests can result from particular police operations, or individual cases involving multiple suspects.
There were 242 persons arrested for terrorism-related offences in the year ending 30 June 2013, an increase of 4% on the previous year.
Terrorism-related arrests can be made under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), or under section 41 (s41) of the Terrorism Act (TACT) if arresting officers require additional powers of detention or need to arrest a person suspected of terrorism-related activity without a warrant. The decision on whether to arrest a person suspected of terrorism-related activity under s41 of TACT or PACE is an operational decision for the police.
In recent years, the proportion of all terrorism-related arrests made under s41 of TACT has fallen. This trend continues in the year ending 30 June 2013, where the proportion was 17% compared to 22% in the previous year. Since September 2011 the proportion of arrests under s41 TACT was 67%.
For each of the last 8 quarters as shown below, most of the arrests for terrorism-related offences were made under PACE, with an average of 12 arrests under s41 TACT per quarter, compared with 48 arrests under PACE per quarter.
Since 11 September 2001, when the current data collection was set up by the police service, there have been 2,465 terrorism arrests in total.
Persons arrested under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 or under other legislation

Source: Home Office, Data table A.01.
2.3 Pre-charge detention under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000
Pre-charge detention assists the police in the investigation and accumulation of evidence pertaining to potential terrorism offences. Further information on these powers is given in the user guide.
Most detainees continue to spend a short time in police custody prior to charge, release or other outcome. In the year ending 30 June 2013, just under a third (32%) were detained for less than a day, 46% were dealt with within 5 days and 88% were detained for 7 days or less.
Between 25 July 2006 and 25 January 2011 the maximum period of pre-charge detention was extended to 28 days (and has since returned to 14 days). During this period, 6 individuals were held for more than 27 days, of whom 3 were charged and 3 were released without charge.
2.4 Charges and charging rates
Of the 242 persons arrested for terrorism-related offences in the year ending 30 June 2013, 119 (49%) were charged, a further 96 (40%) were released without charge and 27 (11%) had alternative action taken against them (mainly bailed to return pending further investigation). This compares to 38% charged, 53% released without charge and 9% with alternative action taken since 11 September 2001.
Number of charges resulting from terrorism-related arrests

Source: Home Office, Data table A.04.
Often, terrorism-related arrests can result in charges for non-terrorism-related offences as the police investigate cases and new information comes to light.
Of the 119 charges brought in the year ending 30 June 2013, 40 (34%) were terrorism-related, comprising 29 under TACT legislation, 6 under Schedule 7 of TACT for failure to comply with border controls and a further 5 for terrorism-related offences under other legislation. The remaining 79 charges (66%) were for other non terrorism-related offences.
For the 935 charges since 11 September 2001 the breakdown was: 354 (38%) under TACT; 30 (3%) under Schedule 7 of TACT; 140 (15%) for terrorism-related offences under other legislation and the remaining 411 (44%) for other non terrorism-related offences.
The quarterly breakdown above shows that between 1 April 2011 and 30 June 2013, less than half of charges were terrorism-related in all quarters with the exception of the July to September 2011 quarter. Over the period there was an average of 10 terrorism-related charges each quarter and 15 non terrorism-related charges each quarter.
2.5 Charges by offence
In line with the normal procedures for criminal justice statistics, each suspect has been classified in terms of a single principal offence. This means that where an individual has been charged with a number of offences they are recorded only against the most serious offence.
For the 384 persons charged under terrorism legislation since 11 September 2001 the main principal charges were related to:
possession of an article for terrorist purposes (20% of such charges)
preparation for terrorist acts (16%)
collection of information useful for an act of terrorism (12%)
fundraising (10%)
membership of a proscribed organisation (8%)
failing to comply with duty at a port or border controls (8%)
For the 140 persons charged under non-terrorism legislation where the offence was considered terrorism-related, the most prevalent principal charges were:
conspiracy to commit murder (24%)
offences under the Explosive Substances Act 1883 (16%)
soliciting to commit murder (6%)
conspiracy to commit armed robbery (5%)
In addition to the above charges, a total of 411 persons have been charged with offences identified by ACTCC to be non-terrorism-related. The most frequent principal charges were for:
Perverting the course of justice (10%)
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 (9%)
Theft Acts 1968 and 1978 (8%)
Fraud Act 2006 (7%)
Firearms Act 1968 (6%)
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (6%)
2.6 Court proceedings and outcomes of charges
This section considers the outcomes for persons charged, based on year of arrest. Due to the complex nature of terrorism investigations, trials may take place several years after an arrest or charge takes place. Trials in the year ending 30 June 2013 can, therefore, relate to arrests made in earlier years.
Of the 40 persons arrested and charged in the year ending 30 June 2013 for terrorism-related offences, 20 were proceeded against, all of whom were subsequently convicted. An additional 18 persons were awaiting prosecution and 2 persons were not proceeded against. Of the 20 convicted, 17 were under terrorism legislation and 3 were for non-terrorism legislation. As for previous years, it is expected that the number of convictions will change depending on the outcomes for those awaiting prosecution.
Since 11 September 2001, 524 persons have been charged with terrorism-related offences, of which 433 were prosecuted. Of these, 197 were convicted under terrorism legislation and a further 135 were convicted of non-TACT offences. In total, 64% of persons charged with terrorism-related offences have been convicted since 11 September 2001; however, this rate is likely to change depending on the outcome of cases for 22 persons awaiting prosecution at the time of publication.
Outcome1 for persons charged2, 3 with terrorism-related offences
Number of persons | Great Britain | |||
Total year ending | ||||
Charge and outcome | 30 Jun 2012 | 30 Jun 2013 | Change4 | Total since 11 Sep 2001 |
Charged | 45 | 40 | -5 | 524 |
of which: | ||||
Not proceeded against | 3 | 2 | -1 | 69 |
Awaiting prosecution | 3 | 18 | 15 | 22 |
Other outcome | - | - | - | - |
Prosecuted | 39 | 20 | -19 | 433 |
Convicted5 | 34 | 20 | -14 | 332 |
TACT offences | 29 | 15 | -14 | 179 |
Schedule 7 TACT | - | 2 | 2 | 18 |
Other legislation (non-TACT): terrorism related | 3 | - | -3 | 127 |
Other legislation (non-TACT): non-terrorism related | 2 | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Found not guilty | 5 | - | -5 | 101 |
Source: ACPO Counter Terrorism Co-ordination Centre (ACTCC)
- Since 11 September 2001. Data presented here are based on the latest position with each case as at the date of data provision from ACTCC (18 October 2013).
- Includes all charges under terrorism legislation and under other legislation where considered by ACTCC to be terrorism-related.
- Refers to the substantive charge at indictment recorded by the Crown Prosecution Service.
- Difference in numbers between the totals for the 12 months ending 30 June 2012 and 30 June 2013.
- Excludes cases when a conviction was later quashed on appeal.
Source: Home Office, Data table A.06c.
2.7 Persons convicted by offence
The most frequent principal offences for persons convicted since 11 September 2001 under terrorism legislation were:
preparation for terrorist acts (26% of persons convicted)
collection of information useful for a terrorism act (17%)
failing to comply with duty at a port or border controls (9%)
possession of an article for terrorist purposes (9%)
The main principal convictions since 11 September 2001 which were considered terrorism-related but under non-terrorism legislation were:
causing or conspiring to cause an explosion under the Explosive Substances Act 1883 (19% of persons convicted)
conspiracy to murder (13%)
offences under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 (12%)
Firearms Act 1968 offences (9%)
Details of terrorism arrests that subsequently resulted in a non-terrorism-related charge or conviction can be found in Tables A.07 and A.08c.
2.8 Gender, age and ethnic appearance of persons arrested, charged and convicted
Of the persons arrested for terrorism-related offences since 11 September 2001, 93% were male. This is similarly reflected in terrorism-related charges and convictions, with males making up 93% and 95% of the totals for each respectively. Full breakdowns can be found in Table A.09.
Since 11 September 2001, the age group with the highest proportion of persons arrested, charged, and convicted for a terrorism-related offence was the 30 and over age group, comprising 47% of persons arrested, 42% of persons charged and 41% of persons convicted. Full breakdowns can be found in Table A.10.
More than a third (36%) of all persons arrested since 11 September 2001 were recorded by police as being of Asian ethnic appearance. Proportions for other recorded ethnicities at arrest were: 29% White, 21% Other and 12% Black. Similar proportions were seen at charge and conviction; again, those recorded as Asian made up the largest proportions at charge (38%) and at conviction (42%). Full breakdowns can be found in Table A.11.
2.9 Nationality of persons arrested, charged and convicted
Statistics are also provided on the self-declared nationalities of persons arrested for terrorism-related offences. These self-declared nationalities may differ from the actual nationalities of persons arrested; this must be borne in mind when interpreting the figures presented below.
Of the 2,465 persons arrested for terrorism-related offences since 11 September 2001, 1,234 (50%) self-declared their nationality as from Great Britain or of British dual nationality. Of the remaining persons arrested, the most frequent self-declared nationalities were: Algeria (151 persons), Pakistan (129 persons), Iraq (115 persons), Afghanistan (74 persons), Iran (63 persons), India (57 persons), Somalia (46 persons) and Turkey (45 persons).
In the last 2 years the proportion of persons arrested who were British citizens was higher than the proportion since 11 September 2001. In the year ending 30 June 2012, 40 of the 45 persons arrested (89%) self-declared their nationalities as British, in the following year the proportion was 29 out of 37 persons arrested (78%).
Full breakdowns for all nationalities self-declared at arrest can be found in Table A.12a. Data on charges and convictions for terrorism-related offences broken down by their self-declared nationality at the time of arrest are in Tables A.12b and A.12c.
2.10 Categorisation of persons arrested and charged
Data on the categorisation of those arrested and charged are published in this bulletin. The categories are based on involvement with any type of terrorism and separately identify those associated with domestic, international and Northern Ireland Related Terrorism (NIRT). The data also include persons found not to be associated with any type of terrorism at the time of arrest or charge. These categories are based on assessment by ACTCC and may not be mutually exclusive in all cases. Additionally, the categories may change as cases progress and further information on each case comes to light. Full definitions of these categories can be found in the user guide.
Of those arrested since 11 September 2001, 79% were classified as international with 10% classified as domestic and 7% classified as associated with NIRT. Full breakdowns of classifications of those arrested, charged and convicted can be found in Table A.13.
2.11 Data tables
Data on persons arrested for terrorism-related offences, and the resulting charges and other outcomes, can be found in Tables A.01 to A.13.
2.12 Data quality and interpreting the figures
The relatively small numbers of persons arrested for terrorism-related offences each year mean that proportionally large fluctuations in arrests can result from particular police operations, or individual cases involving multiple suspects. This should be borne in mind when interpreting trends over time.
In line with the normal procedures for criminal justice statistics, and in order to present an accurate count of the number of persons arrested and charged, data in this part (arrests and outcomes) are presented on a principal offence basis. This means that, when a person is arrested or charged for multiple offences at the same time, the most serious offence is the one counted in these data. If a person arrested or charged is subsequently arrested on another occasion for a different offence, the additional arrest will also be counted in the data.
Due to the complex nature of terrorism investigations, a trial may take place several years after an arrest or charge takes place. Trials completed in 2012 can relate to arrests made in 2011 or earlier. Since the data on arrests and outcomes presented here are based on time of arrest and court proceedings data presented in part 3 are based on time of trial outcome, data drawn from both may not be directly comparable.
The data presented are based on the position as at 10 July 2013, when case information was provided to the Home Office by ACTCC. As cases progress over time, outcomes can change and therefore figures for quarters previously published may be updated in this release.
3. Court proceedings
3.1 Introduction
Statistics are presented here on the number of defendants tried by the Crown Prosecution Service Counter Terrorism Division (CPS CTD) in the year ending 30 June 2013. Data shown here are based on final trial outcomes for each defendant (i.e. when all proceedings in each case are concluded), and are presented on the principal, or most serious, offence basis. Results of partially completed trials are not included.
3.2 Defendant trials
Due to the complex nature of terrorism investigations, trials may take place several years after an arrest or charge takes place. Trials completed in the year ending 30 June 2013 can relate to arrests made in earlier years.
In the year ending 30 June 2013, 40 trials were completed by the CPS CTD for offences under terrorism legislation. Of these, 26 were for preparation for terrorism acts, 6 were for collection or possession of information for terrorists, the remaining trials were for fundraising (3 trials), contravening a Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures order (3 trials), provision of information relating to a terrorist investigation (1 trial) and encouragement of terrorism (1 trial).
Of the 40 terrorism-legislation trials completed in the year ending 30 June 2013, 36 resulted in a conviction.
Additionally in the year ending 30 June 2013, 4 trials were completed for terrorism-related offences under non-terrorism legislation. This total included 2 trials under the Firearms Act, 1 trial under the Criminal Law Act 1977 and 1 trial under the Explosive Substances Act 1883. All of these 4 trials ended in a conviction. A full breakdown of the trials and convictions broken down by offence, including data for the previous year, can be seen in the data tables.
3.3 Sentencing
In the year ending 30 June 2013, 36 defendants were convicted under terrorism legislation and 4 were convicted under non-terrorism legislation.
Each of the 36 defendants convicted under terrorism legislation received custodial sentences. Sentences handed down included 1 life sentence, 1 indeterminate sentence for public protection (IPP) and 13 sentences of more then 10 years. Additionally, all 4 defendants convicted under non-terrorism legislation received custodial sentences, including 1 hospital order, 1 sentence of less than 1 year and 2 sentences of between 4 and 10 years.
Of all 40 persons convicted in the year ending 30 June 2013, 34 had pleaded guilty, with the other 6 defendants pleading not guilty.
3.4 Data tables
Data on court proceedings dealt with by CPS CTD can be found in Tables C.01-C.04.
3.5 Data quality and interpreting the figures
In line with the normal procedures for criminal justice statistics, and in order to present an accurate count of the number of persons dealt with by CPS CTD, data in part 3 (court proceedings) are presented on a principal offence basis. This means that, when a person is proceeded against for multiple offences at the same time, the most serious offence is the one counted in these data. If a person is subsequently proceeded against on another occasion for a different offence, the additional case will also be included in the dataset.
Due to the complex nature of terrorism investigations, trials may take place several years after an arrest or charge takes place. Trials completed in 2012 can relate to arrests made in 2011 or earlier. Since the approach used in part 2 (arrests and outcomes) is based on time of arrest and the approach used here is based on time of trial outcome, data drawn from both may not be directly comparable.
4. Terrorist and extremist prisoners
4.1 Introduction
Data presented here are provided by the National Offender Management Service and Scottish Prison Service, and show the number of persons who were in prison custody for terrorism-related offences and the number of domestic extremist prisoners in Great Britain as at 30 June 2013. Data on prisoners released in the year ending 30 June 2013 are also included.
4.2 Key facts
As at 30 June 2013, there were 128 terrorist/extremist prisoners in Great Britain, either on remand or following conviction. In total 100 prisoners were in custody for terrorism-related offences, of whom 63 were in custody for offences under terrorism legislation, 34 for terrorism-related offences not under terrorism legislation and a further 3 were held awaiting deportation. Twenty-seven prisoners were classified as domestic extremists/separatists, 17 of whom were in custody following conviction, with 6 on remand and 4 extradition cases. Lastly, 1 person was in custody on remand for Northern Ireland Related terrorism. The last remaining historic terrorism prisoner (whose conviction pre-dated the Terrorism Act 2000), was released during the April to June 2013 quarter.
Sixty-five of the 128 prisoners in Great Britain remanded or convicted for terrorism-related offences defined themselves as of Asian (or Asian British) ethnic origin at the time of reception into custody. Sixteen defined themselves as Black (or Black British).
Terrorist/extremist prison population as at 30 June 2013

Source: Home Office, Data table P.01.
The nationalities of the 128 terrorist/extremist prisoners in Great Britain were spread over 16 countries. One-hundred were recorded as being UK nationals with 1 recorded as Irish, 9 were from Asian countries (including 5 from Bangladesh, 3 from Pakistan and 1 from Vietnam), 8 were from the African continent (including 3 from Somalia, 2 from Morocco and 1 each from Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya), 5 were from non-UK European countries including 3 from Spain and 1 from each of Germany and Italy and 3 were from the Middle East (2 from Kuwait and 1 from Jordan). For the remaining 2 prisoners their nationality was unrecorded.
In terms of the self-declared religions of the 100 terrorism legislation or terrorism-related prisoners, 99 defined themselves as Muslim. For the 27 domestic extremists/separatists the picture was more mixed, with 13 declaring no religion and the remaining persons declaring a range of other religions including, Roman Catholic (3), Anglican (3), Muslim (3), other Christian (1) and other religious groups (4). The Northern Ireland related prisoner declared no religion.
For the first time in a quarterly TACT statistics release, data on persons released from prison custody in Great Britain (presented in Table P.04) include releases of those held on remand or as non-criminal prisoners. This change was made to ensure data presented are consistent with the latest annual release of ‘Operation of Police Powers under the Terrorism Act 2000’ published in September 2013.
A total of 37 terrorist/extremist prisoners were released in England and Wales in the year ending 30 June 2013 on completion of a custodial sentence. Of these, 2 had been serving a life sentence, 18 had served sentences of 4 years or more and the remaining 17 were released after serving sentences of less than 4 years. Additionally, 9 prisoners held on remand or as non-criminal prisoners were released from custody.
4.3 Data tables
Data on persons in prison custody can be found in Tables P.01 to P.05.
4.4 Data quality and interpreting the figures
Data presented here on terrorist and extremist prisoners include persons held on remand as well as those held after conviction and/or sentencing. They also include prisoners for historic terrorism cases originating from before 11 September 2001, who are not included in the arrests and outcomes data presented in part 2.
5. Stops and searches
5.1 Introduction
Statistics are presented here on the use of certain stop and search procedures available to police under the Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT).
Section 47A (s47A) of TACT allows the police to stop and search persons in order to prevent acts of terrorism, without reasonable suspicion of their involvement in terrorism. Searches under this power may only be authorised in a specific area for a defined period where the police reasonably suspect an act of terrorism will take place. On 18 March 2011, s47A stop and search powers formally replaced stop and search powers under section 44 of TACT. There has, as yet, been no use of stop and search powers under s47A in Great Britain.
Also available to the police are powers of stop and search under section 43 (s43) of TACT, where an officer does not need an authorisation as under s47A, but instead must have reasonable suspicion that the person is involved in terrorism-related activity. Data on searches under these powers presented here cover the Metropolitan Police Service area only.
Also included here are data on examinations made at ports under Schedule 7 of TACT.
Information on the legislative background to these powers can be found in the user guide.
5.2 Stops and searches under section 43 of the Terrorism Act 2000
The Terrorism Act 2000 (TACT) also gives powers to individual officers to stop and search a suspect whom they must reasonably suspect is involved in terrorism activity under s43 of the Act. These powers, unlike those under s44/47A, do not require any authorisations from senior police officers, or the Home Secretary.
Information collected from the Metropolitan Police Service shows that in the year ending 30 June 2013, 568 persons were stopped and searched under s43 powers. This represents a 16% fall on the previous year’s total of 680. The arrest rate for s43 searches was 6.3% in the year ending 30 June 2013, up 2 percentage points on the previous year.
Summary of stops and searches and resultant arrests made under section 43 of the Terrorism Act 2000

Source: Home Office, Data table S.01.
Of those stopped and searched under s43 of TACT, the proportion who defined themselves as White fell from 39% in the year ending 30 June 2012 to 36% in the year ending 30 June 2013; the proportion who defined themselves as Asian also fell over the two years, from 36% to 28%. For those who defined themselves as Black at the time of search, the proportion rose from 10% to 15%, and the proportion who defined themselves as Chinese or Other rose from 6% to 9%. Lastly, for those defined as Mixed, the proportion remained stable at 3%.
5.3 Examinations under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000
Under Schedule 7 of TACT individual examining officers can examine a person at a port area who is entering or leaving, or travelling by aircraft within, Great Britain. Depending on individual circumstances, an examination may consist of basic questioning, a search of property and/or a period of detention of up to 9 hours while investigations take place.
A total of 55,037 persons were stopped at ports in the year ending 30 June 2013 in Great Britain under this power, a fall of 10% on the previous year. Of these, 52,801 (96%) were held for under an hour with the remaining persons held for over an hour. The proportion of examinations which were of less than an hour has remained stable in recent quarters, averaging 96% over the last 2 reporting years.
Of those examined in the year ending 30 June 2013, a relatively high proportion of persons did not self-define their ethnicity at the time of search (8%); therefore proportions by ethnicity presented here exclude these persons. Of those that did self-define, 42% were White, 25% were Asian, 20% were Chinese or Other, 10% were Black and 4% were of Mixed ethnicity. Proportions who self defined as each ethnicity were similar to the previous year, although there was a fall of 2 percentage points for persons self defined as Asian in the year ending 30 June 2013.
In total, 650 persons were detained after a Schedule 7 examination in the year ending 30 June 2013, up 20% from 541 in the previous year. Excluding persons who did not self-define their ethnicity, the largest proportion of those detained self-defined their ethnicity as Asian (37%) followed by Chinese or Other (26%) and then Black (23%). Proportions of those detained who were White and Mixed were lower, at 9% and 5% respectively. The most notable changes in proportions over the two years by ethnicity were Black detainees (down 7 percentage points in the year ending 30 June 2013) and Asian (up 6 percentage points in the year ending 30 June 2013) respectively.
The total number of Schedule 7 examinations can be seen in the context of 108.2 million arrivals in the United Kingdom in the year ending 30 June 2013. Assuming a similar number of departures through UK ports, this gives a proportion of approximately 0.03% (or 3 persons searched out of every 10,000 persons passing through UK ports in the year ending 30 June 2013).
6. Revisions analysis
Table 1 compares figures on arrests and outcomes for the year ending 30 June 2013 published in this release (Tables A.01 and A.06c) with data published in December 2012 (in Tables A.04 and A.07). Changes are primarily due to case progression between the two releases. For example, a number of persons who were awaiting trial at the time of reporting of data in 2012 completed their trials in time for data reporting for this release.
The large number of cases awaiting prosecution in the most recent year of each terrorism statistics release is highlighted accordingly in the commentary where it has an impact on the data presented.
Additionally, prior to this release, a number of cases, mainly relating to examinations at border controls in Scotland, were reviewed to determine whether the charges brought were terrorism-related. This resulted in the re-classification of 10 terrorism-related charges as non terrorism-related, which were deducted from the total of terrorism-related charges for this release. This reduction was partially offset by 6 new terrorism-related charges added in this release; however there was a net fall of 4 terrorism-related charges between releases, as shown below.
Table 1 Persons arrested for terrorism-related offences and outcomes for terrorism-related charges, year ending 30 June 2012
Number of persons | Great Britain | |
Arrests and charging outcome | Published Dec 2012 | Published Dec 2013 |
Arrested | 228 | 242 |
Charged | 49 | 45 |
of which: | ||
Not proceeded against | 1 | 3 |
Awaiting prosecution | 25 | 3 |
Other outcome | - | - |
Prosecuted | 23 | 39 |
Convicted | 20 | 34 |
of which: TACT offences | 14 | 29 |
Schedule 7 TACT | - | - |
Non-TACT) | 6 | 5 |
Found not guilty | 3 | 5 |
Table 2 compares figures on Schedule 7 examinations made in Great Britain in the year ending March 2013 presented in Table S.04 of this release, with year ending March 2013 figures presented in Table S.06 of the most recent annual release published in September 2013. Figures for examinations made the April to June 2013 quarter were revised upwards by ACPO for this release, causing an increase in totals for 2012/13. Figures on resultant detentions did not change between the two releases.
Table 2 Examinations made under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 in 2012/13
Number of examinations | Great Britain | |
Length of examination, result and ethnicity | Published Sept 2013 | Published Dec 2013 |
Number of examinations | 56,257 | 57,621 |
of which: Under the hour | 53,992 | 55,355 |
Over the hour | 2,265 | 2,266 |
Number of resultant detentions | 667 | 667 |
Breakdown of examinations by self-declared ethnicity | ||
White | 20,932 | 22,142 |
Mixed | 1,936 | 1,965 |
Black or Black British | 5,081 | 5,114 |
Asian or Asian British | 13,241 | 13,303 |
Chinese or Other | 10,270 | 10,300 |
Not stated | 4,797 | 4,797 |
Breakdown of resultant detentions by self-declared ethnicity | ||
White | 58 | 58 |
Mixed | 20 | 20 |
Black or Black British | 149 | 149 |
Asian or Asian British | 211 | 211 |
Chinese or Other | 145 | 145 |
Not stated | 84 | 84 |
Revisions analysis based on part 3 (court proceedings) and part 4 (terrorist and extremist prisoners) is not provided here because neither part includes any revisions for previous years.