Outcomes for children looked after by LAs: 31 March 2014
Outcome measures at national and local authority (LA) level in England for children continuously looked after for at least 12 months.
Applies to England
This statistical first release (SFR) provides information at national and local authority (LA) level on the outcomes for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months at 31 March 2014. This is the fifth year that this annual release has been published.
Outcome measures reported on include:
- educational attainment
- special educational needs (SEN)
- exclusions from school
- health including emotional and behavioural health
- offending and substance misuse
On 26 March 2015, we published additional analysis of absence rates for children looked after continuously for at least 12 months.
Authorised, unauthorised, overall, and persistent absence from 2012 to 2014 are presented in national table 12 and local authority table LA10. Comparisons to all children and children in need are also included.
Contact details
Looked-after children statistics team
Email cla.stats@education.gov.uk
Telephone: Justin Ushie 01325 340817