Official Statistics

Patent Box reliefs statistics

Information on the number of companies claiming relief under the UK Patent Box and its associated cost to the Exchequer.


Patent Box relief statistics tables: September 2023


The Patent Box enables companies to apply a lower rate of Corporation Tax to profits earned after 1 April 2013 from its patented inventions.

This publication provides statistics on the number of companies claiming relief under the UK Patent Box, and the cost to the Exchequer of providing that relief. This year’s release includes figures up to the tax year 2020 to 2021 and partial figures for the tax year 2021 to 2022.

Further details, including data suitability and coverage, are included in the Background quality report.

Archived reports

Patent Box Relief statistics for 2022 can be found on The National Archives (TNA) website.

Patent Box Relief statistics for 2021 can be found on The National Archives (TNA) website.

Patent Box Relief statistics for 2016 to 2020 can be found on The National Archives (TNA) website.

Updates to this page

Published 14 September 2016
Last updated 28 September 2023 + show all updates
  1. 2023 publication and tables have been added.

  2. 2022 publication and tables have been added.

  3. Removed pre-2021 publications and added a National Archives link. Added the 2021 publication.

  4. 2020 publication and tables have been added. Minor correction made to 2019 publication.

  5. Updated with new statistics for 2016 to 2017.

  6. Update with new statistics for 2015-16.

  7. Update with statistics for 2014-15

  8. First published.

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