Official Statistics
Perceptions of A levels, GCSEs and other qualifications: wave 22
Results of a survey of heads of schools, teachers, general public, parents, students, employers and higher education institutions in England.
Applies to England
Main findings
Overall confidence in GCSE, A level, and Applied General qualifications
- Overall composite confidence in GCSEs was consistent with wave 21, incremental increases year-on-year led to a slight increase overall compared to wave 20. Employers and HEIs reported increased composite confidence in wave 22, reversing the decline between waves 19 and 20.
- Composite confidence for A levels increased in comparison with wave 21. This represented a recovery in confidence following the decline measured in wave 21. At an overall level, composite confidence returned to roughly the levels recorded in wave 20.
- At an overall level, composite confidence in Applied General qualifications was generally consistent with wave 21. However composite confidence in Applied General qualifications increased significantly among employers and head teachers compared to wave 21, while it declined for young people.