Accredited official statistics

Personal Independence Payment statistics to October 2024

Published 17 December 2024

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

Coverage: England and Wales
Frequency: Quarterly
Next Release: 18 March 2025

1. Main Stories

Latest Personal Independence Payment (PIP) statistics show that as at 31 October 2024 there were 3.6 million claimants entitled to PIP (caseload) in England and Wales, a 3 percent increase on the number as at 31 July 2024. 37% received the highest level of award, the same level as in July 2024. There were a further 80,000 claims with entitlement to PIP (caseload) for people residing in Scotland as at 31 October 2024.

These statistics were independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to meet the highest standard of Trustworthiness, Quality and Value to become Accredited Official Statistics. The OSR formally confirmed the assessment in September 2024 and the statistics have been re-badged as such from this December 2024 release onwards.

The December 2024 release bulletin focusses on claims in England and Wales (plus abroad or unknown cases) - referred to as England and Wales throughout for simplicity - with a separate section covering Scotland to reflect the impact of Scottish devolution. Data in Stat-Xplore and the tables accompanying the release cover all claims administered by DWP, split so that Scottish figures can be considered separately. The June 2022 and earlier releases covered all claims in Great Britain, but since the introduction of Adult Disability Payment in Scotland, trends in Scottish PIP cases are diverging from the rest of the country.

Trends in the PIP statistics can be affected by numerous factors, including:

  • customer demand, which has seen unprecedented levels of new claims in recent quarters
  • assessment provider (AP), Health Professional and DWP Case Manager resource
  • external situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic

In the quarter ending October 2024 there were:

  • 230,000 registrations and 230,000 clearances for new claims
  • 34,000 changes of circumstance reported and 37,000 cleared
  • 24,000 registrations and 22,000 clearances for DLA reassessments
  • 120,000 planned award reviews registered and 110,000 cleared
  • 71,000 mandatory reconsiderations (MRs) registered and 73,000 cleared

Over the last five years (November 2019 to October 2024):

  • 43% of normal rules new claims, 71% of normal rules DLA reassessment claims, and 99% of Special Rules for End of Life (SREL) claims received an award (excluding withdrawn claims)
  • 74% of planned award reviews resulted in an increase or no change to the level of award received by the claimant
  • 86% of changes of circumstances resulted in an increase or no change to the level of award received by the claimant
  • 33% of MRs cleared (excluding withdrawn) have led to a change in award

For initial decisions following a PIP assessment during July 2019 to June 2024:

  • 34% of completed MRs against initial decisions following a PIP assessment went on to lodge an appeal
  • 24% of appeals lodged saw DWP change the decision in the customer’s favour before the appeal was heard at tribunal (known as “lapsed” appeals)
  • 3% of initial decisions were overturned (revised in favour of the customer) at a tribunal hearing

For award review outcomes following a PIP assessment during July 2019 to June 2024:

  • 34% of completed MRs against award review decisions following a PIP assessment went on to lodge an appeal
  • 49% of appeals lodged saw DWP change the decision in the customer’s favour before the appeal was heard at tribunal (known as “lapsed” appeals)
  • 1% of award review outcome decisions were overturned (revised in favour of the customer) at a tribunal hearing

By the end of October 2024, 1.8 million people in England and Wales had DLA reassessment claims to PIP cleared, of whom 78% were aged 16 to 64 when PIP was introduced on 8 April 2013 and 22% were “Rising 16s” – child DLA claimants who reached the age of 16 years after that date.

Over the past five years (November 2019 to October 2024):

  • 32% of working age claimants who registered a DLA reassessment claim were awarded PIP at the highest rate (enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility components). Only 11% of the same individuals received the highest rate under DLA
  • 56% of rising 16s who registered a DLA reassessment claim were awarded PIP at the highest rate (enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility components). Only 8% of the same individuals received the highest rate under DLA

2. What you need to know

This summary contains Accredited Official Statistics on Personal Independence Payment (PIP). PIP helps with some of the extra costs caused by long-term disability, ill-health or where they are approaching the end of their life due to a progressive disease. From 8 April 2013 DWP started to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for working age people with PIP.

From March 2022, Scottish Government began to replace PIP with Adult Disability Payment (ADP). New claimants apply for ADP rather than PIP after specific dates depending on which Scottish Local Authority they live in, with roll out complete for the whole of Scotland from 29 August 2022 and existing PIP claimants starting to transfer to ADP from Summer 2022. While Official PIP Statistics will continue to be produced and published for all claims administered by DWP, from September 2022 the release bulletin focusses on claims in England and Wales (plus abroad or unknown cases) with a separate section of commentary covering Scotland to reflect impact of Scottish devolution.

Claimants who are nearing the end of their lives have their claims fast tracked and for the majority of people, receive the highest levels of benefit, known as Special Rules for End of Life (SREL). From 3 April 2023, the Department for Work and Pensions have changed the eligibility for SREL, allowing those who have a progressive disease from which death can reasonably be expected within 12 months to claim, where previously SREL were only applicable for people with 6 months or less to live. The data in this publication covers to October 2024 and as such the changed rules will apply to some claimants accordingly.

The release includes PIP claims for both new customers and those with an existing entitlement for DLA (known as DLA reassessments). The majority of all claims fall under normal rules, while a small proportion fall under special rules for end of life (SREL).

The statistics cover the PIP customer journey from registration through to decision, ongoing entitlement, award review, mandatory reconsideration and appeal. They include volumes of claimants entitled to PIP at a point in time (caseload), registrations and clearances for different stages of the journey (initiation of claims, award reviews and MRs), outcomes at clearance and median clearance times, plus customer journey statistics tracking initial decisions and award review outcomes following a PIP assessment.

Figures in this bulletin are obtained from the Personal Independence Payment Computer System (PIPCS). Whilst every effort is made to ensure data quality, recording and clerical errors can occur within PIPCS, and the data are subject to some minor retrospection. Figures are rounded in accordance with the DWP rounding policy. As a result, unrounded figures from the underlying data available on Stat-Xplore or in accompanying tables may not sum exactly to the rounded totals. A User Guide is available for those who need guidance in accessing the Stat-Xplore platform. A PIP-specific Stat-Xplore User Guide is also available, published August 2024.

Further detail including a summary of the PIP customer journey is given at the end of this release in the About these statistics section.

More detail can be found in the Future plans and your feedback section and readers are invited to contribute their views using our user feedback questionnaire.

A methodological note is also available with additional detail on definitions, methodology and data quality issues.

3. PIP Claim Activity – Registrations, Clearances and Reviews

This section covers the volumes of main activities triggered by key points of the PIP customer journey, typically through:

  • an initial registration for a claim
  • the clearance of the claim when a decision is made as to whether or not PIP should be awarded
  • a planned award review, which is an opportunity to look at entitlement at set intervals to ensure a claimant continues to receive the correct award
  • the claimant reporting a change of circumstances around their condition or needs arising. The award is reviewed to ensure that they continue to receive the correct entitlement and this may or may not lead to a change in award

New claims, DLA reassessments, award reviews and changes of circumstance are considered together because volumes across different series are interdependent.

All registrations, clearances and reviews April 2013 to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Between April 2013, when PIP began, and October 2024, 8.3 million claims have been registered for PIP, and 8.0 million of the registered claims have been cleared.

  • 6.3 million registrations (75%) are new claims whilst 2.0 million (25%) are DLA reassessment claims
  • 220,000 (3%) were registered under SREL while the rest (97%) were under normal rules
  • 4.0 million clearances (50%) were awarded PIP, 3.8 million (48%) had their claim disallowed and 150,000 (2%) withdrew their claim

3.0 million claims have had a planned award review registered and 740,000 claims have reported a change in circumstances between April 2013 and October 2024.

Note that “Award Reviewed” and “Change of Circumstance Reported” totals include cases where an award was made following an initial disallowance then a change of decision at MR or appeal. These awards are not included in the “Awarded” total.

Monthly Registrations and Clearances for initial claims, planned award reviews and changes of circumstance, all claims to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Registrations and clearances each appear in the Accredited Official Statistics according to the date that the registration or clearance takes place. It is most often the case that a claim will not be cleared in the same month that it is registered due to the time it takes to process an application for PIP or an award review.

Registration activity fluctuates month on month. Initial new claim and change of circumstance registrations tend to follow a stable pattern of gradual increase over time and seasonal dips each December. Levels of DLA reassessment and planned award review activity can be adjusted by the Department when this is required to actively manage operational resource and achieve a balance in workflows between processing activities.

Clearance activity patterns are driven by patterns in registration activity, lagged by the time it takes to process claims and reviews. However, since processing time is also affected by available capacity for assessment provider Health Professionals and DWP Case Managers there is more variation especially in periods with processing backlogs.

From March 2020 onwards, COVID-19 provisions were put in place. There were major changes in DWP policy and customer behaviour, including a temporary halt to face-to-face contact and some DLA reassessment and award review activity. In most cases activity has resumed, although new invitations to claim PIP for working age DLA claimants are not currently being sent out. For more information about COVID-19 provisions, see the background quality and methodology report.

Latest quarterly figures to October 2024 show:

  • 230,000 registrations and 230,000 clearances for new claims
  • 34,000 changes of circumstance were reported, and 37,000 were cleared
  • 24,000 registrations and 22,000 clearances for DLA reassessments
  • 120,000 planned award reviews were registered and 110,000 were cleared

Note that since volumes of registrations and clearances show some volatility and fluctuate from month to month, overall trends are better assessed by considering quarterly totals or averages rather than individual monthly figures.

Comparison with earlier periods:

  • registration activity has largely risen over the last year with the latest quarter’s registrations up by 13% for DLA reassessments, 7% for changes of circumstance, and 6% for planned award reviews, and there has been no change in new claims in the quarter ending October 2024 compared to the quarter ending October 2023
  • changes in clearance volumes vary for different areas of the Department’s workload as workflows are actively managed to cope with capacity issues. Until late 2022, planned award reviews were on hold in some cases, but these have now been restarted and as workflows rebalance, there has been a reduction in clearances for other parts of the process
  • clearance volumes for new claims, change of circumstance, DLA reassessment clearances and planned award reviews in the quarter ending October 2024 were 5%, 27%, 2% and 6% higher respectively than in quarter ending October 2023

See Stat-Xplore for more information on registrations and clearances for new claims, DLA reassessments, planned award reviews and changes of circumstance.

4. Clearance outcomes – Awards

A clearance is defined as the resolution of an initial registration, and includes all possible outcomes – awards, disallowances and withdrawals. Where an assessment takes place, a decision is made on whether to award PIP or to disallow the claim, though disallowances and withdrawals can occur prior to assessment. For further detail see the steps of the customer journey.

Two different rates can be calculated to show the proportion of cases that result in an award:

  • the award rate gives the proportion of claims where PIP is awarded - the number of cases awarded divided by the total number of cases cleared (this calculation can include or exclude cases that are withdrawn, with the data underlying both series published as ready-made tables in Stat-Xplore)
  • the assessment award rate gives the proportion of assessments where a decision is made to award PIP - the number of cases awarded divided by the total number of cases where an assessment has taken place (excluding withdrawn cases and those that are disallowed prior to assessment)

Award rates and Assessment award rates to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Award rates for all claims (excluding withdrawn cases) over the period November 2019 to October 2024 (last 5 years) show that:

  • 43% receive an award for normal rules new claims
  • 71% receive an award for normal rules DLA reassessment claims
  • 99% of SREL claimants are awarded PIP

Over the last 5 years (November 2019 – October 2024):

  • 2.8 million (84%) of 3.4 million new claims had an assessment
  • 440,000 (92%) of 480,000 DLA reassessment claims had an assessment
  • all remaining cleared claims were disallowed (either pre-assessment or through failing to attend the assessment), or withdrawn

Assessment award rates for all decisions made over the period November 2019 to October 2024 (last 5 years) (normal rules, excluding cases where an assessment has not been completed) show that:

  • 50% of assessments result in an award for new claims
  • 76% of assessments result in an award for DLA reassessment claims

Award rates and assessment award rates can vary over time because the number of awards being made changes, but also because the number of cases that are withdrawn or disallowed varies. This can be affected by operational timescales for different parts of the process, and in particular the deadline allowed for return of the PIP2 form (with automatic disallowance of cases where the form is not returned within that deadline) which is sometimes altered. This can contribute to volatility in the series. From April 2020, COVID-19 impacted award rates and assessment award rates, and trends were distorted during the transitional period to COVID-19 measures. For more information about these measures, see the background quality and methodology report.

For the quarter ending October 2024, the percentage of cleared normal rules claims which received an award (award rate) was:

  • 44% for new claim clearances (excluding withdrawn), a decrease from 46% in October 2023
  • 74% for DLA reassessment clearances (excluding withdrawn), a decrease from 76% in October 2023

Of those where an assessment has been completed, the percentage which received an award (assessment award rate) was:

  • 52% for new claims, a decrease from 53% in October 2023
  • 79% for DLA reassessment, a decrease from 80% in October 2023

Award Types and Review Periods

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

When PIP is awarded, decisions are made as to the award type and, where appropriate, the review period.

The award type may be:

  • a fixed length award with a set period of time before a review of the award takes place (the “review period”)
  • an “ongoing award” with no end date, where the intention will be to apply a light-touch review at the 10-year point
  • a “short term award without review” which will not be subject to review but will end within a small number of years of award unless a new claim is submitted (mostly awarded under SREL, with others being awarded to claimants who are expected to see a significant reduction in needs in the short term)

Award types and review periods are set on an individual basis, based on the claimant’s needs and the likelihood of those needs changing. This takes into account such matters as planned treatment/therapy or learning/adapting to manage a condition. For fixed length awards, the review period usually ranges from a minimum of 9 months to a maximum 10 years. Review periods of less than 9 months are set only in exceptional circumstances. An award of 2 years or less is considered short term. From 31 May 2019, a guidance change for claimants whose review would have taken place when they were of State Pension age means that they are now generally awarded ongoing awards.

For normal rules new claims in the quarter ending October 2024:

  • 79% of claims awarded were short term (0 to 2 years)
  • 13% were longer term (over 2 years)
  • 7% were ongoing

For normal rules DLA reassessment claims, patterns in award types reflect the fact that overall numbers of DLA reassessment clearance are low at this time and reassessment activity is not taking place for all types of claim. In the quarter ending October 2024:

  • 28% of claims awarded were short term (0 to 2 years)
  • 59% were longer term (over 2 years)
  • 12% were ongoing

Clearance and award data is available from Stat-Xplore, broken down by a range of factors including award level, age, gender, award type, review period and disability for those who have undergone an assessment. This can be used to explore award rates and assessment award rates for different groups.

Number of cases entitled to PIP (caseload)

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

If a PIP award is made, entitlement to PIP commences from the date of claim, or from the date the three month qualifying period was satisfied (for new claims), or from around 4 weeks after the PIP decision (for DLA reassessment claims). Claimants generally receive payment during the period for which they have entitlement, although there are times when payment may be suspended, for example if they are in hospital. Note that for cases where entitlement and payments are to start from a date prior to the decision being made, claims will not appear in the “cases with entitlement” statistics until the date of the decision.

There were 3.6 million claims with entitlement to PIP (caseload) as at 31 October 2024, a 3 percent increase on the number as at 31 July 2024.

Of these:

  • 2.3 million claims are new and 1.3 million are DLA reassessments
  • 32,000 (1%) were registered under SREL though the majority (99%) were under normal rules

When PIP is awarded, decisions are made as to the award level – the monetary amount of the award for both Daily Living and Mobility components – depending on the claimant’s individual circumstances. Each component can be awarded at:

  • enhanced rate
  • standard rate
  • nil, where the claimant is not awarded this component

37% of all claims with entitlement to PIP as at 31 October 2024 receive the highest level of award, with both daily living and mobility components received at the enhanced rate, the same proportion as July 2024.

The five most commonly recorded disabling conditions for claims under normal rules are:

  • Psychiatric disorder (39% of claims)
  • Musculoskeletal disease (general) (19% of claims)
  • Neurological disease (13% of claims)
  • Musculoskeletal disease (regional) (12% of claims)
  • Respiratory disease (4% of claims)

Commentary exploring the variation that appears in the different stages of the PIP journey across different disabling conditions can be found in section 10 of the June 2024 release, and is updated on an annual basis.

More information on claims with entitlement (caseload), by a range of factors including award level, disability, duration of claim, age and gender is available from Stat-Xplore.

5. Review outcomes

Awards may be reviewed either when a claimant reports a change of circumstances, or at the end of their review period as set when the original award was made. During a review of an award, the award level is assessed and may be changed (which can happen with or without the case first being referred to an Assessment Provider).

The outcome of a review can be shown as:

  • Increased – where the award level has increased for one or both components
  • Maintained – where the award level remains as it was prior to the review
  • Decreased – where the award level has decreased for one or both components
  • Disallowed – where the claimant’s entitlement to benefit is ended
  • Withdrawn or voluntarily relinquished (for changes of circumstances only)

Review outcomes from November 2019 to October 2024 (last five years)

Planned Award Review Change of Circumstance
Award Increased 19% 46%
Award Maintained 55% 40%
Award Decreased 7% 4%
Award Disallowed 19% 7%
Withdrawn or voluntarily relinquished n/a 3%

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

From November 2019 to October 2024 (last five years):

  • 1.3 million (74%) of the 1.8 million planned award reviews resulted in an increase or no change to the level of award received by the claimant
  • 410,000 (86%) of the 480,000 changes of circumstances resulted in an increase or no change to the level of award received by the claimant
  • The difference reflects the fact that many PIP claimants report a change of circumstances when their condition or disability deteriorates and their needs increase

Further information on award review outcomes by a range of factors including disability is available from Stat-Xplore.

6. Clearance and Outstanding Times

Clearance times show the time taken for DWP to process and make a decision on a case. The average clearance time is calculated as the median of all individual clearance times. For further explanation of why the median measure is used, see section 2.4 of the PIP statistics: background quality and methodology report.

Clearance times (median weeks) to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Tables 1A and 1B

Clearance times can be volatile reflecting a variety of factors including customer demand, operational resource and timescales for different parts of the process, which are sometimes altered to actively manage workflows or in response to external situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Clearance times for normal rules new claims:

  • are currently (October 2024) 14 weeks “end to end” (from registration to a decision being made) and 10 weeks from the AP referral to the decision
  • are at a similar level to the same period a year ago (15 weeks and 9 weeks respectively in October 2023)
  • peaked most recently in August 2021 at 26 weeks “end to end” (from registration to a decision being made) and 21 weeks from the AP referral to the decision, partly because claims that had been allowed a longer deadline for return of PIP 2 form during the period late February to late May 2021 were reaching clearance, and partly because priority in some areas was given to claims that had been waiting longer for processing due to COVID-19 disruption

Clearance times for normal rules DLA reassessment claims:

  • are currently (October 2024) 15 weeks “end to end” (from registration to a decision being made) and 8 weeks from the AP referral to the decision
  • are slightly lower than the same period a year ago (17 weeks and 10 weeks respectively in October 2023)
  • should be viewed with caution while volumes of DLA reassessment clearances are low

Clearance times for SREL claims:

  • are 3 working days from registration to decision for new claims, and 2 working days for DLA reassessment claims

Information on clearance times and outstanding times (time already waited for cases where DWP has yet to make a decision), including regional breakdowns, can be found in National Tables 1 - 3 accompanying this release.

7. Mandatory Reconsiderations (MRs)

Claimants who wish to dispute a decision on their PIP claim at any stage can ask DWP to reconsider the decision. This is a mandatory reconsideration (MR) and must be completed before an appeal is made and lodged with His Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS).

An MR considers the grounds for the dispute and reviews the original decision. An MR may give rise to a change in award, which includes:

  • previously disallowed claims that are now awarded
  • claims that had previously been awarded but the MR has resulted in a change in the level of the award

By the end of October 2024, 2.6 million MRs had been registered against normal rules claims since PIP began, and almost all of these (98%) had been cleared. Of all MR registrations:

  • 1.8 million (70%) related to new claims
  • 780,000 (30%) related to reassessed DLA claims
  • 200,000 (8%) were withdrawn or cancelled

MRs arising from award reviews have been counted as relating to a new claim or a reassessment claim based on the initial claim type.

The number of MRs registered and cleared within each month fluctuates over time.

  • latest figures for MR registrations are 71,000 in the quarter ending October 2024, 11% lower than a year earlier. This is a reduction from the highest quarterly level of MR registrations since PIP began of 81,000 in the quarter ending October 2019
  • MR clearances rose during early 2022 peaking at 80,000 cleared in the quarter ending July 2022. They subsequently dipped to 61,000 in the quarter ending January 2023, before rising steadily to 77,000 in the quarter ending October 2023. In the quarter ending October 2024 there were 73,000 MR clearances, 6% lower than in the same quarter a year earlier

MR clearance outcomes (excluding withdrawn MRs) to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Over the last 5 years (November 2019 to October 2024), 33% of the 1.2 million MRs cleared (excluding withdrawn) have led to a change in award.

The degree to which MRs lead to changes in award has fluctuated over time.

  • 22% of MRs cleared (excluding withdrawn) in the quarter ending October 2024 led to a change in award
  • levels decreased between mid-2021 and mid-2022, stabilising around current levels since approximately May 2022. This rate is at a similar level to mid-2018
  • the spike in the proportion of awards that changed in July 2021, following a dip in the preceding months, was a natural consequence of the rise in MRs relating to patterns of disallowances pre-referral to the Assessment Provider. This was mainly due to the non-return of PIP2 forms following changes in the time allowed for these returns and automatic disallowances for those who missed the deadlines
  • COVID-19 disruptions caused a spike in April 2020, after which trends in proportion of MR decisions resumed the gradually increasing pattern pre-COVID
  • a new operational approach was introduced in 2019 when the Department began proactively contacting claimants, as appropriate, to collect further oral or written evidence at the MR stage. This saw a gradual increase in the proportion of awards changed since January 2019 (23%) to 39% in December 2019
  • proportions were volatile during early periods (pre-January 2014) when MR volumes were low

MR clearance times (median calendar days) to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Table 4A

MR clearance times refer to the median time taken to process an MR from the time it is registered by the claimant to a decision being made.

In October 2024, the median MR clearance time was 70 calendar days for both new claims and DLA reassessments. These times have remained at a similar level over the last quarter, having previously risen steeply from 37 and 36 calendar days in December 2023, following a more gradual increase from 23 and 22 calendar days in November 2022. Prior to this, the most recent peak was 79 and 78 days respectively in September 2021.

Note: information on MR clearance times can be found in found in National Tables 4A - B accompanying this release. Further breakdowns of MR registration and clearance volumes are available from Stat-Xplore.

8. Customer Journey Statistics

This section includes statistics based on two datasets that track outcomes following a PIP assessment, through to mandatory reconsideration (MR) and appeal. These statistics:

  • help us understand the claimant’s end-to-end journey from claiming PIP, through to MR and appeal
  • are particularly useful to understand the volumes and proportions flowing through each stage of the process and whether there are differences for particular groups of claimants
  • have been separated into initial decisions (new claims and DLA reassessment claims) and award review outcomes (planned award reviews and change of circumstances)

They cover:

  • both normal rules and special rules for end of life (SREL)
  • initial decisions following a PIP assessment since PIP was introduced up to June 2024, and for MRs and appeals to September 2024
  • review outcomes following a PIP assessment between July 2016 and June 2024, and for MRs and appeals to September 2024

Note that more MRs and appeals could be made and completed after September 2024, so numbers could go up as it can take some time for an MR or appeal to be lodged and then cleared.

These statistics do not include:

  • decisions made prior to an assessment being completed
  • review outcomes prior to July 2016

This means that the MR volumes are on a different basis to the other statistics on MRs contained within this release. Appeal volumes are also on a different basis to the statistics published by the Ministry of Justice on tribunal appeals.

For robust figures on individual stages, please use:

Note that within the customer journey statistics, totals may not sum due to rounding, and because MRs and appeals which are still in progress are not shown.

Initial Decisions through to MR and Appeal

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Table 5Aii, covering initial PIP decisions between July 2019 to June 2024, and the MR and appeals related to those decisions to September 2024.

For initial PIP decisions following an assessment during the period July 2019 to June 2024:

  • there were 3.2 million initial decisions following a PIP assessment, and 56% were awarded PIP
  • 680,000 MRs have been registered regarding these initial decisions (21% of decisions)
  • 22% of completed MRs resulted in a change to the award (excluding withdrawn)
  • 34% of completed MRs then lodged an appeal
  • 24% of appeals lodged were “lapsed” (which is where DWP changed the decision in the customer’s favour after an appeal was lodged but before it was heard at tribunal)
  • 68% of the DWP decisions cleared at a tribunal hearing were “overturned” (which is where the decision is revised in favour of the customer)
  • overall, 7% of initial decisions following a PIP assessment have been appealed and 3% have been overturned at a tribunal hearing

Considering trends since PIP was introduced in 2013, the proportion of:

  • MRs resulting in a change to the award is 10% in the most recent quarter of initial decision (April 2024 to June 2024), a reduction of 2 percentage points compared to both the previous quarter, and the same quarter the previous year
  • appeals lodged which were lapsed gradually increased from 2015 to 2016 to reach 37% across the 2020 to 2021 financial year, then decreasing to 17% in the 2022 to 2023 financial year
  • initial decisions following an assessment which have been appealed has gradually increased over time – from around 6% over the first couple of years when PIP was introduced to 10% in 2018 to 2019, but returning to 8% in 2022 to 2023
  • initial decisions following an assessment overturned at a tribunal hearing follow the same trend, reaching 4% in 2022 to 2023 – though as these statistics are grouped by initial decision date, numbers could increase for later periods as more appeals are completed

National Tables 5A - F accompanying this release give information by date of initial decision (quarter and financial year) and other factors including geography.

Planned Award Review and Change of Circumstances outcome through to MR and Appeal

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Table 6Aii, covering review outcomes between July 2019 to June 2024, and the MR and appeals related to those decisions to September 2024

For award review outcomes following an assessment during the period July 2019 to September 2024:

  • there were 1.9 million award reviews following a PIP assessment, and 92% continued to be awarded PIP
  • 260,000 MRs have been registered regarding these award reviews (14% of reviews)
  • 36% of completed MRs resulted in a change to the award (excluding withdrawn)
  • 34% of completed MRs then lodged an appeal
  • 49% of appeals lodged were “lapsed” (which is where DWP changed the decision in the customer’s favour after an appeal was lodged but before it was heard at tribunal)
  • 81% of the DWP decisions cleared at a tribunal hearing were “overturned” (which is where the decision is revised in favour of the customer)
  • overall, 5% of all award reviews following a PIP assessment have been appealed and 1% have been overturned at a tribunal hearing

Considering trends since July 2016, the proportion of:

  • MRs resulting in a change to the award has reduced by 3 percentage points to 20% in the most recent quarter of award reviews (April 2024 to June 2024) compared to the previous quarter, and is 3% lower than the same quarter of the previous year
  • appeals lodged which were lapsed gradually increased from 2016 to 2017 to reach a peak of 60% across the 2020 to 2021 financial year. This figure dropped to 45% in the 2022 to 2023 financial year
  • award reviews following an assessment which have been appealed has decreased over time – from around 11% in 2017 to 2018 to 4% in 2022 to 2023. This reduction reflects changes in the outcomes of award reviews, with a decrease in the proportion disallowed or decreased
  • award reviews following an assessment overturned at a tribunal hearing follow the same trend, decreasing to 2% in 2022 to 2023 – though as these statistics are grouped by award review cleared date, numbers could increase for later periods as more appeals are completed

National Tables 6A - H accompanying this release give information by date of award review clearance (quarter and financial year) and other factors including geography.

9. PIP in Scotland

The Scotland Act 2016 gives Scottish Parliament powers over a number of social security benefits which had been administered to Scottish claimants by the Department for Work and Pensions. From 1 April 2020, PIP became one of the benefits to have executive competency transferred from the DWP to Social Security Scotland, the executive agency of Scottish Government which is responsible for delivering social security benefits for Scotland. From 1 September 2020, young people in Scotland can choose to remain on child DLA until the age of 18. From Autumn 2021, claimants who live in Scotland and receive Disability Living Allowance for children will have their benefit replaced by Child Disability Payment. For more information see Disability Living Allowance for children in Scotland.

The Scottish Government is now replacing PIP with Adult Disability Payment (ADP), a new benefit launched in 2022. From 29 August 2022, all new claimants in Scotland have applied for ADP rather than PIP, following a gradual roll-out for selected Scottish Local Authorities beginning in March 2022. For existing PIP claimants who live in Scotland, Social Security Scotland began to move customers to ADP from Summer 2022. Prior to this, DWP administered PIP on Social Security Scotland’s behalf for all Scottish PIP claimants as part of the transitional period. It is expected that all claims will have moved to ADP by 2025. When an individual PIP claim transfers to ADP, DWP will continue to pay PIP until the transfer is complete. For more information see Moving from Personal Independence Payment to Adult Disability Payment

While Official PIP Statistics will continue to be produced and published for all claims administered by DWP, from September 2022 the main body of the release bulletin focusses on claims in England and Wales. The following section of commentary covers PIP data for Scotland to reflect impact of Scottish devolution.

PIP Cases with Entitlement in Scotland, to October 2024

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

There were 80,000 claims with entitlement to PIP (caseload) for people residing in Scotland as at 31 October 2024, 36% fewer than at 31st July 2024, the previous quarter. This is a reduction from a peak of 330,000 claims in November 2022, since customers with PIP claims in Scotland started to be transferred to ADP from Summer 2022. The statistics do not include anybody who is claiming ADP and residing in Scotland, and there are no plans to incorporate ADP statistics into this release, although they can be found as part of the Social Security Scotland statistics: publications collection published by the Scottish Government.

Latest quarterly figures in Scotland to October 2024 show a continued reduction in claim activity across the board for registrations and clearances of changes of circumstance, DLA reassessments and planned award reviews. This reflects the ongoing transfer of cases to ADP.

  • Fewer than 130 cases were registered or cleared for new claims, DLA reassessments or planned award reviews
  • Fewer than 200 changes of circumstance were reported and cleared
  • From 29 August 2022 onwards, applications for support because of disability or long term ill-health in Scotland should be made to ADP rather than PIP. However, a small proportion of people choose to initiate their claim via PIP systems and their details will be passed over to Social Security Scotland to convert to an ADP claim. Such registrations are known as “applications in the alternative”, and volumes of these are very low, with fewer than 100 claims per month between November 2022 and October 2024, across both new claims and DLA reassessment claims. These applications should not give rise to an assessment or the initiation of a PIP claim and when they are cleared they will show in the statistics as “Disallowed pre-referral to the AP due to other reason”

Clearance Times and Customer Journey Statistics in Scotland

In the September 2022 release, static tables published as ODS/Excel files were split to give an England and Wales version and a Scotland version, containing Clearance Times, Outstanding Times, MR Clearance Times and Customer Journey Statistics .

Between March 2023 and September 2023 the Scottish Tables only contained MR Clearance Time and Customer Journey Statistics, since activity for initial registrations and clearances had already reduced, and it was announced at that time that these too would be stopped at some future point.

From December 2023 onwards, publication of all Scottish tables has been discontinued since activity volumes have decreased to low levels and results for any remaining residual claims could be misleading.

10. PIP Statistics by Disabling Condition

Commentary exploring the variation that appears in the different stages of the PIP journey across different disabling conditions will be updated on an annual basis, and the most recent release containing this section can be found in the [Personal Independence Payment statistics to April 2024] publication, released on 18 June 2024. The underlying data continue to be updated on a quarterly basis and can be found in Stat-Xplore and in the National Tables that accompany each quarterly bulletin

11. Annual statistics comparing outcomes for DLA reassessments

From 8 April 2013 DWP started to replace DLA with PIP (details on roll out available here). Existing DLA claimants who claim PIP are reassessed for their eligibility for PIP against the same criteria as new PIP claimants. The reassessment process can be initiated in a number of different ways:

  • DWP may send a letter inviting DLA recipients who were aged 16 to 64 on 8 April 2013 to claim PIP – note that these cases are referred to in these statistics as “working age” DLA recipients although some may have reached pension age when they receive their invitation
  • “Working age” DLA recipients who have not yet received an invitation but who report a change in circumstances will be invited to make an application to PIP, or can choose to make a PIP application at any time
  • “Rising 16” reassessments occur when a child DLA claimant reaches 16 years of age and is invited to claim PIP. Note that from 1 September 2020, young people in Scotland can choose to remain on child DLA until the age of 18. For more information about Disability Living Allowance for children

Where a DLA claimant is invited to claim PIP and does so they remain in receipt of their DLA award until a decision on their PIP claim is made. Where a DLA claimant does not respond to a reassessment invitation, or if they are disallowed or withdraw their claim part way through the process of making a DLA reassessment claim to PIP, their DLA claim ends. If they choose to make a subsequent application to PIP, they can do so at any point and any such subsequent registrations may be classified as either new claims or DLA reassessments depending on individual circumstances.

In the following DLA to PIP reassessment statistics:

  • for each individual who has a PIP reassessment clearance outcome, their PIP entitlement has been compared to their DLA entitlement at the time of their PIP reassessment registration. PIP enhanced and standard mobility rates are set to the same rates as DLA higher and lower mobility; PIP enhanced and standard daily living rates are the set to the same rates as DLA highest and middle care
  • if a claimant has more than one PIP claim that is classed as a DLA reassessment, the individual will only be counted once, and the data series will include details as at the latest PIP reassessment clearance for that individual, up to and including the point at which a PIP claim is awarded. Any further claims will not be included (e.g. if an award is made, comes to an end, and then a further registration is made to start another claim). However, each separate claim will be counted in the PIP registrations and clearances datasets, with the first marked as a DLA reassessment and later attempts marked as either new claims or DLA reassessments depending on individual circumstances

Until December 2022, published DLA to PIP reassessment figures included only the first PIP reassessment clearance for that individual. As such, users of the statistics should not compare figures published in or after December 2023 with those obtained at an earlier point in time. In addition to geography and details of the DLA claim prior to the reassessment, the newly developed statistical series can now be broken down by:

  • details of the latest PIP clearance (date, outcome, daily living and mobility award rates, disability, gender, age, SREL status)
  • some additional details of the first PIP reassessment clearance for that individual (date and outcome of first clearance)
  • a count to show how many clearances have taken place up to and including the first award (if there is one)
  • an indicator for the amount of time elapsed between first and latest clearance

By the end of October 2024, 1.8 million people in England & Wales had DLA reassessment claims to PIP cleared. Of these, 1.4 million (78%) were working age claimants and 400,000 (22%) were rising 16s.

Over the period November 2019 to October 2024 (last 5 years), 83% of those who registered received an award of PIP on their latest attempt; 84% for working age and 83% for rising 16s.

The majority of cases who ultimately received an award did so on their first attempt. 77% of the 360,000 people who received a PIP award in the last 5 years following a DLA reassessment claim had PIP awarded on their first attempt (62% for Working Age reassessments and 89% for Rising 16s).

For those who received a PIP award on their second or subsequent attempt, 43% were successful within 12 months of their initial attempt (37% for Working Age reassessments and 59% for Rising 16s).

23% of people who had their initial attempt disallowed or withdrawn have not yet had a further clearance (11% for Working Age reassessments and 41% for Rising 16s).

Working Age DLA reassessments by latest outcome, November 2019 to October 2024

Reassessment Outcome Percentage
Award Increased 50%
Award Unchanged 14%
Award Decreased 19%
Disallowed post referral to the Assessment Provider 13%
Disallowed pre referral to the Assessment Provider 2%
Withdrawn 1%

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Rising 16 DLA reassessments by latest outcome, November 2019 to October 2024

Reassessment Outcome Percentage
Award Increased 63%
Award Unchanged 13%
Award Decreased 6%
Disallowed post referral to the Assessment Provider 14%
Disallowed pre referral to the Assessment Provider 3%
Withdrawn 0%

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Over the past five years (November 2019 – October 2024):

  • 32% of working age claimants who registered a DLA reassessment claim were awarded PIP at the highest rate (enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility components). Only 11% of the same individuals received the highest rate under DLA
  • 56% of rising 16s who registered a DLA reassessment claim were awarded PIP at the highest rate (enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility components). Only 8% of the same individuals received the highest rate under DLA

The proportion of claimants receiving more (or less) benefit after their DLA reassessment differs across the various main disabling condition groups, where condition is as recorded on their DLA claim. (A claimant’s disability as recorded on the PIP computer system may be different from their disability as recorded on the DLA computer system.) Since there are often age-related factors with disabilities, the distribution of disability type is very different for working age DLA reassessments and for rising 16s.

The 6 most common DLA disabling condition groups that made up 61% of all working age reassessments between November 2019 and October 2024 comprise:

  • Learning Difficulties
  • Psychosis
  • Arthritis
  • Psychoneurosis
  • Disease of the Muscles, Bones or Joints
  • Back Pain - Other / Precise Diagnosis not Specified

Among these groups for working age reassessments:

  • claimants with learning difficulties were most likely to receive an increased award (61%)
  • claimants with a disability categorised under learning difficulties or psychoneurosis were most likely to have their award disallowed or withdrawn (21%)

Working Age DLA reassessment latest outcomes by main disabling condition, November 2019 to October 2024

Disabling condition as per DLA claim Award Increased Award Unchanged Award Decreased Award Disallowed or Withdrawn
Learning Difficulties 61% 12% 6% 21%
Psychosis 51% 11% 19% 19%
Arthritis 45% 12% 32% 11%
Psychoneurosis 56% 9% 14% 21%
Disease of the Muscles, Bones or Joints 49% 13% 21% 17%
Back Pain 43% 12% 35% 10%
Other 47% 17% 21% 14%

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

The 6 most common DLA disabling condition groups that made up 88% of all rising 16 reassessments between November 2019 and October 2024 comprise:

  • Learning Difficulties
  • Hyperkinetic Syndrome
  • Behavioural Disorder
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Psychoneurosis

Among these groups for rising 16 reassessments:

  • claimants with Learning Difficulties were most likely to receive an increased award (73%)
  • claimants with Diabetes Mellitus were most likely to have their award disallowed or withdrawn (78%)

Note that in order to be eligible for DLA, the needs of a child claimant must be substantially greater than for a non-disabled child of the same age. Under PIP all claimants are assessed against the eligibility conditions applicable to adults.

With some conditions, such as some forms of Learning Difficulty; the claimant’s needs may not be substantially greater than for a non-disabled child of the same age while they are young but their need for support may continue or increase as they get older and be substantially greater than the needs of a non-disabled older child or young adult.

For other conditions, such as Diabetes, the reverse may be true; although a claimant may need significant additional support as a child (for example, to monitor and manage their condition) it might be expected that the same individual can self-manage their condition without any further daily living or mobility needs arising once they become an adult.

In all cases, the claimant’s needs are assessed on an individual basis as part of the initial application to PIP.

Rising 16 DLA reassessment latest outcomes by main disabling condition, November 2019 to October 2024

Disabling condition Award Increased Award Unchanged Award Decreased Award Disallowed or Withdrawn
Learning Difficulties 73% 12% 4% 11%
Hyperkinetic Syndrome 64% 7% 7% 22%
Behavioural Disorder 67% 9% 7% 17%
Diabetes Mellitus 15% 4% 2% 78%
Neurological Diseases 39% 39% 11% 11%
Psychoneurosis 62% 14% 10% 14%
Other 44% 25% 12% 19%

Source: PIP Statistics to October 2024, Stat-Xplore

Statistics on outcomes are available from Stat-Xplore, for Great Britain by default but with England & Wales or Scotland easily selected using the highest level of geographical breakdown. Figures are also broken down by:

  • PIP Reassessment Outcome
  • Number of clearances
  • Time between first and latest clearance
  • PIP Daily Living Award Status
  • PIP Mobility Award Status
  • PIP Disabling Condition
  • DLA Care Award Type
  • DLA Mobility Award Type
  • DLA Disabling Condition
  • Gender
  • Age (for Working Age claimants)
  • End of Life Rules Indicator
  • Month of first clearance
  • Outcome of first clearance
  • Geography (DWP policy ownership/Policy devolved to Scotland, Country, Government Office Region, Local Authority, Parliamentary Constituency, Middle and Lower layer Super Output Areas and Census Output Area)
  • Mean Financial PIP Award
  • Mean Financial DLA Award

12. About these statistics

Changes in this release

  1. These statistics were independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to meet the highest standard of Trustworthiness, Quality and Value to become Accredited Official Statistics. The OSR formally confirmed the assessment in September 2024 and the statistics have been re-badged as such from this December 2024 release onwards.

  2. The ‘PIP Cases with Entitlement’ dataset on Stat-Xplore has been re-instated. Note, the dataset has been split into two separate series, the first covering data from April 2013 up to and including December 2018, and the second from January 2019 to latest available month (October 2024). The figures for both data periods remain the same as those which were previously published at 17 September 2024 .

Data Quality Statement

These accredited official statistics were independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation in September 2024. They comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics and should be labelled ‘accredited official statistics ’.

PIP statistics are derived from data stored and processed on DWP administrative systems. While every effort is made to collect data to the highest quality, as with all administrative data it is dependent on the accuracy of information entered into the system. Checks are made throughout the process from collection of the data to producing the statistics but some data entry or processing errors may filter through. A full description of the evaluation of the data quality is published in the PIP Statistics: Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD) report. PIP Accredited Official Statistics are assessed as being assured to level A2 (enhanced assurance) as outlined by the UK Statistics Authority QAAD toolkit. This means that the statistical producer has evaluated the administrative data QA arrangements and published a fuller description of the assurance.

Breakdowns available

Statistics available on Stat-Xplore and in accompanying tables are further broken down by:

  • geography (region, local authority, 2010 and 2024 parliamentary constituency and for Stat-Xplore, Ward, Middle and Lower layer Super Output Area and Census Output Area)
  • assessment status (SREL, DLA reassessment indicator and for all post-assessment measures, mobility component award level, daily living component award level)
  • claimant characteristics (age, gender, State Pension Age)
  • primary disability category / sub category / low level disability category (for all post-assessment measures)
  • duration of current claim (for caseload)
  • outcomes and review periods (for clearances)
  • mean financial award amounts (for all awards in clearance and caseload series)
  • number of DLA reassessment clearance attempts and time elapsed between first and latest clearance (annual DLA reassessment statistics)

Rounding policy

Data in the release has been rounded as per the table below, with the exception of average clearance times which are shown as whole numbers of days or weeks.

From To Rounded to nearest
0 1,000 10
1,001 10,000 100
10,001 100,000 1,000
100,001 1,000,000 10,000
1,000,001 10,000,000 100,000
10,000,001 100,000,000 1,000,000

All changes and totals are calculated prior to rounding. Percentage changes are calculated prior to rounding and then are rounded to the nearest whole number. As all figures within this statistical summary have been rounded, they may not add up.


The data are subject to some minor retrospection. This is due to the time it takes for claimants to provide evidence at different stages of the customer journey, and for new information to be input to the PIP Computer System. The timing of the statistics production has been chosen to maximise the timeliness and accuracy of the publication while minimising the impact of retrospective changes. For example:

  • when a claim is first registered, it is assumed to be a new claim unless there is evidence to suggest that it is a DLA reassessment. If evidence is presented between registration and clearance, the claim will then show as a DLA reassessment clearance and will move from being a new claim registration to being a DLA reassessment registration
  • some claims may not be marked as claims under SREL at the point of registration but become an SREL claim prior to the point of clearance, and vice versa. This may lead to the figures showing fewer SREL registrations than clearances
  • if a customer is unable to provide their National Insurance Number (NINO) at the point where they register for a new claim, it may take a few days for this information to be added and verified, and in the meantime geographical details will show as “unknown” since the NINO is needed for address matching / geographical coding within the statistics
  • if an administrative correction or update takes place regarding the details of a claim (which can include the date on which an activity occurred) this can lead to a specific record appearing in or disappearing out of the data relating to a particular point in time. This most commonly occurs for the latest available month of the PIP Claims with Entitlement series, where the difference relative to the figure published three months later tends to not be of material impact (less than 0.1%)

PIP operational roll out

On 8 April 2013, PIP was introduced as a controlled start, for new claims from people living in a limited area in the North West and part of the North East of England.

On 10 June 2013, PIP was introduced for new claims for the remaining parts of Great Britain.

From 28 October 2013, using a structured roll out to postcode areas, DWP invited DLA working age recipients to claim PIP if:

  • DWP received information about a change in care or mobility needs which meant their claim had to be renewed
  • the claimant’s fixed term award was due to expire
  • children turned 16 years old (unless they have been awarded DLA under special rules for end of life)
  • the claimant chose to claim PIP instead of DLA

Since July 2015, the remaining DLA working age recipients have been gradually invited to claim PIP.

From 27 July 2023, DWP has introduced a new process to allow customers to apply online for PIP. The online service is an additional optional route to apply for PIP and is not replacing existing methods for claiming. A digital version of the PIP2 health questionnaire has already been introduced which is now offered to the majority of those making a claim. As at September 2023, people in selected postcode districts may be able to apply online if they:

  • live in England
  • are claiming for themselves or helping someone with their claim
  • are not already claiming PIP or Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or have a previous PIP/DLA claim
  • are not claiming under SREL

Published PIP statistics include all claims regardless of the method used to apply.

Summary of Customer Journey

A typical customer journey is as follows:

  1. Claimant registers their claim to PIP

  2. DWP issues the “How your disability affects you” (PIP2) form, for completion by the claimant

  3. Claimant completes and returns PIP2 form – this can lead to: a) automatic referral to the Assessment Provider (AP); b) disallowance of the claim based on the information in the PIP2 form; or c) disallowance of the claim if the claimant fails to return the PIP2 form without being identified as having additional support needs

  4. Under normal circumstances, the claimant may have their claim assessed based on the paper evidence already submitted, or may be called for a telephone, video, or face-to-face assessment conducted by the AP. The claimant may: a) attend and participate in their assessment; or b) fail to attend or participate in the assessment, which can lead to disallowance

  5. DWP makes a decision based on the AP advice and any additional evidence received. The outcome may be: a) an award (including a monetary amount of the award for both Daily Living and Mobility components, the award type and, if appropriate, the period of time that should be allowed before a review of the award takes place); or b) a disallowance due to failing the assessment

  6. Payment commences

  7. When the claim is in payment, a claimant must report any changes of circumstance relating to the claim, and this may lead to a review of the award

  8. Claims may undergo a planned award review when they reach the end of their review period (unless they received an ongoing award, where they’ll receive a light touch review after 10 years)

  9. In the case of a reported change of circumstance or a planned award review, an “AR1” form is issued

  10. If the claimant disagrees with a decision on their claim, including where an award has been given, they can ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR)

  11. After the MR has been completed, if the claimant still disagrees with the decision they are able to lodge an appeal with His Majesty’s Courts & Tribunal Service

  12. Some appeals are cleared without a tribunal hearing, where the following outcomes are possible: a) withdrawn by the customer, or struck out by the tribunal; or b) lapsed - where DWP change the decision in the customer’s favour

  13. Some appeals are cleared at a tribunal hearing, where the following outcomes are possible: a) DWP decision upheld by the tribunal; or b) DWP decision overturned by the tribunal.

Where to find out more

The Personal Independence Payment statistics collection has links to this release and other releases of PIP statistics.

Read a detailed PIP statistics background and methodology document. This gives information about production of the PIP statistical release including:

  • data sources
  • methods
  • definitions
  • quality assurance steps

Build your own data tables using Stat-Xplore. A User Guide is available for those who need guidance in accessing the Stat-Xplore platform . A PIP-specific Stat-Xplore User Guide is also available, published August 2024.

Read an overview of PIP.

Read the release strategy for the PIP statistics.

The Scottish Government have produced their own publication for PIP in Scotland. They also publish statistics on benefits for carers and disability assistance which includes Adult Disability Payment, the Scottish benefit replacing PIP. In February 2024 they also published a one-off release of management information on the number of cases selected for transfer to Child Disability Payment and Adult Disability Payment by month up to end January 2024.

Ministry of Justice tribunals statistics.

Benefit Combination Statistics are included as part of the quarterly DWP benefits statistics collection, and allow users to view the combinations of benefits that people claim at a point in time for almost all benefits administered by DWP, including PIP. The latest commentary release published on 13 August 2024 is updated every six months in February and August. The underlying data is updated every quarter (February, May, August and November) and can be found on Stat-Xplore

Statistics for Employment and Support Allowance Work Capability Assessment Outcomes.

An ad hoc statistical release has been published to provide transparency on the latest volumes of people receiving combinations of health and disability benefits.

Work and Pensions Select Committee PIP and ESA assessments inquiry: supporting statistics. This ad hoc publication gives statistics about the assessment process from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the 3 assessment providers:

  • Centre for Health and Disability Assessments (CHDA)
  • Capita
  • Independent Assessment Services (IAS)

The release also includes statistics about the outcomes of MRs and tribunals.

The Health Transformation Programme Management Information to October 2024 publication is part of an ongoing quarterly series which will align with the timings of the Personal Independence Payment Accredited Official Statistics.

The latest edition of this publication brings together statistics on:

  • Volume of referrals for Health Transformation Area (HTA) assessments by benefit type and HTA postcode group
  • Volume of claimants applying for PIP through the GOV.UK apply online service

13. Future plans and your feedback

Expected changes in future releases

There are no planned changes.

Users can find out more about publication-specific and cross-departmental plans for future developments and changes that have already implemented by reading the DWP Statistical work programme and the PIP statistics release strategy.

Feedback and queries

If you have any queries or feedback about existing PIP Accredited Official Statistics please email, or utilise our user questionnaire.

Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics that all producers of official statistics should adhere to. You are welcome to contact us directly with any comments about how we meet these standards at Alternatively, you can contact OSR by emailing or via the OSR website.

ISBN: 978-1-78659-645-1