Phonics screening check and key stage 1 assessments: England 2017
Provisional information on the 2017 phonics screening check and assessments at key stage 1, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics.
Applies to England
This statistical first release (SFR) provides information on the achievements of pupils in the 2017 phonics screening check and at key stage 1 teacher assessments.
It also includes information on attainment for the phonics screening check and key stage 1 teacher assessments by different pupil characteristics, specifically:
- gender
- ethnicity
- first language
- eligibility for free school meals (FSM)
- special educational needs (SEN)
Primary attainment statistics team
Telephone: Gemma Coleman 020 7783 8239
Updates to this page
Published 28 September 2017Last updated 26 July 2018 + show all updates
Amended KS1 metadata file in 'Underlying data'.
Added additional underlying data to include LA district level information broken down by free school meals (FSM). Amended SFR49_2017_KS1_LA_CHAR_UD_2 file in underlying data to correct inner and outer London figures for FSM breakdown.
Phonics tables: updated 2012 to 2015 data for Gateshead and Northumberland in table 6 and updated data for white boys and white girls in table 6a.
Updated tables to include data on disadvantaged pupils.
Updated provisional information includes pupils who did not have a record in the school census.
Updated tables to clarify that the data is provisional and will be updated in October to include pupils not matched to the census.
First published.