Official Statistics

Physical Health Checks for People with Severe Mental Illness, Q1 2024-25

A data collection for people with severe mental illness (SMI) receiving a full physical health check containing information on the number of people on the General Practice SMI register at the end of each quarter, and of these how many received a comprehensive physical health check in the 12-months to the end of the reporting period.


Physical Health Checks for People with Severe Mental Illness, Q1 2024-25


This publication supersedes ‘Mental health: physical health checks for people with severe mental illness’ which was based on the Strategic Data Collection Service (SDCS) collection and published on the NHS England website. The SDCS collection was retired at the end of the 2023-24 reporting period . From 2024-25 onwards, physical health checks for people with severe mental illness are being monitored using the PHSMI GPES data and will be reported quarterly.

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Published 12 September 2024

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