Accredited official statistics

Pre-release access to: Police workforce, England and Wales: 30 September 2021

Published 26 January 2022

Applies to England and Wales

National Statistics published on 26 January 2021.

Colleagues given access to finalised publication, embargoed, for information (24 hours in advance of publication).

In addition to the Chief Statistician and staff in the Policing and Fire Analysis Unit responsible for the production and quality assurance of these statistics, relevant Special Advisers and Private Office staff of Ministers and senior officials may have access to pre-release figures to inform briefing and handling arrangements.

Home Office

  • Home Secretary
  • Minister of State for Crime and Policing
  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Safeguarding
  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Future Borders and Immigration
  • Minister of State for Security and Borders
  • Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Immigration Compliance and the Courts
  • Lords Minister
  • Permanent Secretary
  • Second Permanent Secretary
  • Special Advisers (3)
  • Chief Scientific Adviser
  • Director General, Public Safety Group
  • Director, Home Office Analysis and Insight Directorate
  • Director, Policing
  • Head of Unit, Police Uplift Programme (PUP)
  • Head of Unit, Police Workforce and Professionalism Unit (PWPU)
  • Policy Advisers (5), Police Uplift Programme
  • Policy Advisers (2), PWPU
  • Policy Adviser (1), Police Funding Policy
  • Press Officers & Social media (9), Press Office

No 10

  • Prime Minister
  • Private Secretary to Prime Minister on Home Affairs
  • Special Adviser
  • Press Officers (3), Number 10

National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC)

  • Chair of the NPCC
  • Police Uplift Programme (4)
  • Press officers (2)

College of Policing

  • Chief Executive of the College of Policing
  • Chair of the College of Policing
  • Press officers (2)