Accredited official statistics

Port Freight statistics amendment to publication schedule

The Department for Transport will no longer be producing the “Port Freight Statistics: Provisional Figures" publication


Statistical Notice

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Maritime Statistics currently publishes “Port Freight Statistics: Final Figures” in September each year.

In addition to this we also produce the following publications:

Port Freight Statistics: Quarter 4

This publication is released annually in March and provides summary information on the amount and type of freight handled by all major ports in the UK. It provides users with the first early indication of the direction of the trend in port freight for the previous calendar year, ahead of the publication of the final figures.

Port Freight Statistics: Provisional Figures

This publication is released annually in June and provides summary information on the amount and type of freight handled by all ports in the UK for the previous calendar year. Most of the information in this provisional publication is covered in the quarter 4 release.

Maritime Statistics has decided to cease the production of the port freight provisional figures in June in order to bring forward the publication of the final figures to late August (from late September).

More information on the reasons and background for this decision are available in the attached document.

Published 5 June 2014