Postcode level electricity statistics: 2016
Postcode level electricity statistics for 2016, covering all domestic meters, and split by standard and economy 7 meters.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Data is available for:
- all domestic electricity meters
- standard meters
- economy 7 meters
Economy 7 is for customers that have an additional off-peak electricity period, typically customers have a 7 hour off-peak period at night when their electricity is cheaper.
Please read the accompanying notes before using the statistics.
Updates to this page
Published 28 March 2019Last updated 19 December 2024 + show all updates
Updated postcode level electricity statistics for 2016.
Updated to reflect data published as part of Subnational electricity consumption, 2022.
Added new table: Postcode level all meters electricity 2016. All other tables and footnotes updated.
First published.