Preference utilisation of UK trade in goods, 2021
2021 statistics on the UK’s utilisation of tariff preferences for imports and exports under PTAs, including trade in goods between Great Britain and the EU under the TCA.
Statistics on the UK’s utilisation of tariff preferences for imports and exports under preferential trade agreements (PTAs).
This includes trade in goods between Great Britain and the EU under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), covering the period after the UK left the EU.
Preference Utilisation Rates (PURs) measure the extent to which tariff preferences provided by trade agreements are being used, in goods where preferential tariff rates are available and lower than the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) rate.
A PUR is normally presented as a percentage, and reflects the value of goods traded under tariff preferences, as a share of the total value of goods eligible for preferences. Meaning to what extent a preferential tariff is being used.