Official Statistics

Prison Education and Accredited Programme Statistics 2023 to 2024

Overview of accredited programmes in custody and education in prison, covering assessment, participation, achievement and offenders’ demographics in England.

Applies to England and Wales


Prison Education Tables 2023-24

Prison Accredited Programmes Tables 2023-24



Prison Education and Accredited Programme Statistics 2023 - 2024 is based on education data collected through the CURIOUS database, which covers prisoner initial assessments, participation and achievement in courses in public prisons in England. These are analysed by course level and prisoner characteristics, including learning difficulty / disability. It also covers Accredited Programmes starts and completions for prisoners in custody in England and Wales.

TO NOTE: The methodology used to produce the education statistics has been updated in this edition to improve data quality and consistency. The 2022/23 tables have been revised using the updated methodology and included as supplementary tables within the 2023/24 collection.

Pre-release list

The Prison Education Statistics report is produced and handled by the Ministry of Justice’s (MOJ) analytical professionals and production staff.

Pre-release access of up to 24 hours is granted to the following persons at Ministry of Justice and His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS):

Ministry of Justice Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State, Minister for Prisons, Permanent Secretary, relevant Private Secretaries x 4, Director General (Performance, Strategy and Analysis), Deputy Director (Chief Statistician), Deputy Director (Courts and People), Deputy Director (Prisoner Outcomes, Resettlement and Reoffending), analysts x4, press officers x 3.

HMPPS Chief Psychologist, Directorate Lead Psychologist, Reducing Re-offending Lead (Offender Behaviour Programmes), Head of Prison Education Contract Management.

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Published 26 September 2024

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