Official Statistics
YCS Annex Guide: 2023-24
Published 25 July 2024
Applies to England and Wales
Annex - Performance Indicator Information
Assaults | Assaults are reported as a rate per 100 children and young people (CYP). An assault is defined as unwanted physical contact between two or more individuals. |
Assaults on Staff | Assaults on staff are reported as a rate per 100 CYP. An assault is defined as unwanted physical contact between two or more individuals. |
Self-Harm | Self-harm incidents reported as a rate per 100 CYP. Self-harm is defined as any act where a prisoner deliberately harms or injures themselves. |
Rate of Escapes | A CYP escapes from an establishment or an HMPPS escort if they unlawfully gain their liberty. |
Staff Resignation | Rate of Band 3-5 Prison Officer/ Youth Justice Worker/ Front-Line staff resignations. Some resignations are expected, but too high a rate is cause for concern. |
Staff Sickness | Rate of staff sickness. Some sickness is expected, but too high a rate is cause for concern. |
Guided Reflective Practice – Sessions Offered | The number of GRP sessions offered to staff as a proportion of those in scope. |
Guided Reflective Practice – Staff Engaged | The number of GRP sessions attended by staff offered as a proportion of those offered GRP. |
OFSTED / ESTYN Outcome for Education, Skills and Work | Inspection outcome judgements |
Education Hours Delivered Against Planned | Average hours delivered against planned |
Suitable Accommodation on Release | The number of children and young people released with suitable accommodation prior to release as a proportion of eligible releases from custody. |
Accommodation Organised Prior to Release | The number of children and young people with accommodation arranged within designated timeframes prior to release as a proportion of eligible releases from custody. |
Education, Training, Employment Organised Prior to Release | The number of children and young people released with education/training/employment organised for release as a proportion of eligible releases from custody. |
Rate of Successful ROTL Episodes | The number of successful Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) episodes as proportion of those who participated. |
Integrated Care
Custody Support Plan Delivery (CuSP) | Proportion of children and young people receiving a weekly CuSP session. |
CuSP IAF Outcome | To review levels of compliance with the YCS Integrity Assurance Framework. |
Enhanced Support Service (ESS) Support Team Meeting Held | The number of children and young people who had a support team meeting within designated timeframes of reception as a proportion of those requiring a meeting. |
Initial Enhanced Support Team (EST) Meeting Held within designated timeframes of EST Opened | The number of children and young people receiving an initial meeting with the Enhanced Support Team within designated timeframes of being identified as a proportion of those who had been identified. |
ESS IAF Outcome | To review levels of compliance with the YCS Integrity Assurance Framework. |