Official Statistics

YCS Annex Guide: 2023-24

Published 25 July 2024

Applies to England and Wales

Annex - Performance Indicator Information


Assaults Assaults are reported as a rate per 100 children and young people (CYP). An assault is defined as unwanted physical contact between two or more individuals.
Assaults on Staff Assaults on staff are reported as a rate per 100 CYP. An assault is defined as unwanted physical contact between two or more individuals.
Self-Harm Self-harm incidents reported as a rate per 100 CYP. Self-harm is defined as any act where a prisoner deliberately harms or injures themselves.
Rate of Escapes A CYP escapes from an establishment or an HMPPS escort if they unlawfully gain their liberty.


Staff Resignation Rate of Band 3-5 Prison Officer/ Youth Justice Worker/ Front-Line staff resignations. Some resignations are expected, but too high a rate is cause for concern.
Staff Sickness Rate of staff sickness. Some sickness is expected, but too high a rate is cause for concern.
Guided Reflective Practice – Sessions Offered The number of GRP sessions offered to staff as a proportion of those in scope.
Guided Reflective Practice – Staff Engaged The number of GRP sessions attended by staff offered as a proportion of those offered GRP.


OFSTED / ESTYN Outcome for Education, Skills and Work Inspection outcome judgements
Education Hours Delivered Against Planned Average hours delivered against planned


Suitable Accommodation on Release The number of children and young people released with suitable accommodation prior to release as a proportion of eligible releases from custody.
Accommodation Organised Prior to Release The number of children and young people with accommodation arranged within designated timeframes prior to release as a proportion of eligible releases from custody.
Education, Training, Employment Organised Prior to Release The number of children and young people released with education/training/employment organised for release as a proportion of eligible releases from custody.
Rate of Successful ROTL Episodes The number of successful Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) episodes as proportion of those who participated.

Integrated Care

Custody Support Plan Delivery (CuSP) Proportion of children and young people receiving a weekly CuSP session.
CuSP IAF Outcome To review levels of compliance with the YCS Integrity Assurance Framework.
Enhanced Support Service (ESS) Support Team Meeting Held The number of children and young people who had a support team meeting within designated timeframes of reception as a proportion of those requiring a meeting.
Initial Enhanced Support Team (EST) Meeting Held within designated timeframes of EST Opened The number of children and young people receiving an initial meeting with the Enhanced Support Team within designated timeframes of being identified as a proportion of those who had been identified.
ESS IAF Outcome To review levels of compliance with the YCS Integrity Assurance Framework.