Proven reoffending statistics quarterly: October 2012 to September 2013
This report provides key statistics on proven reoffending in England and Wales.
This publication provides key statistics relating to the reoffending of offenders who were released from custody, received a non-custodial conviction at court, or received a caution, reprimand or warning.
Latest figures for the year October 2012 to September 2013 are provided and compared to the same period a year ago. Trends going back to 2002 are also presented. Also included are Interim reconviction figures for Peterborough and Doncaster Payment by Results pilots, and employment and reoffending PbR pilot outcomes.
Two consultations are also published at the same time as the Proven Reoffending bulletin, one of which seeks views on proposals to changes of the presentation to the data in reoffending statistics after October 2017.
The second consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the prison population projections publication.
The bulletin is produced and handled by the ministry’s analytical professionals and production staff.
Pre-release access of up to 24 hours is granted to the following persons:
Proven Re-offending Statistics Quarterly Bulletin
Ministry of Justice: Secretary of State, Ministers of State, Permanent Secretary, Director General of Criminal Justice Group, Director General of Finance, Director of Sentencing and Rehabilitation, Director of Analytical Services, Deputy Director, Head of Justice Statistics Analytical Services, Deputy Director for Reducing Reoffending, Deputy Director, Head of Sentencing Policy and Penalties Unit, Programme Director of Youth Justice Statistics, Head of Prison, Probation, Re-offending and PbR Statistics, Director General of National Offender Management Service (NOMS), Deputy Director, Head of Planning and Analysis Group (NOMS), Deputy Director, Head of Offender Management and Public Protection Group (NOMS), Head of Public Protection Casework Section (NOMS), Head of NOMS Population Strategy (NOMS), Head of Statistics, Performance, Information and Analysis Group (NOMS), Head of Performance Assessment and Research Unit (NOMS), Head of Safer Custody and Litigation, Equalities, Rights and Decency Group (NOMS) and the relevant special advisers, analysts, policy officers and press officers.
Home Office: Secretary of State, Ministers of State, Permanent Secretary, and relevant special advisers, analysts and policy officers.
No 10: Special adviser to the Prime Minister
Deputy PM’s Office: Special adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister
Treasury: Home and Legal Team, Public Services Group
Annex A - Interim re-conviction figures for Peterborough and Doncaster Payment by Results pilots
In addition to those listed for the Proven Re-offending statistical bulletin, pre-release access of up to 24 hours to Annex A only is also granted to one official from each of the service providers for the Doncaster and Peterborough pilots respectively, Serco and Social Finance.