Official Statistics

Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England - July 2016, by provider

Statistics on Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England.


Provisional Accident and Emergency Quality Indicators for England July 2016, by provider


This report, generated from Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) A&E data, sets out data coverage, data quality and performance information for the following five A&E indicators:

  • Left department before being seen for treatment rate
  • Re-attendance rate
  • Time to initial assessment
  • Time to treatment
  • Total time in A&E

Publishing these data will help share information on the quality of care of A&E services to stimulate the discussion and debate between patients, clinicians, providers and commissioners, which is needed in a culture of continuous improvement.

The data used in these reports are sourced from Provisional A&E HES data, and as such these data may differ to information extracted directly from Secondary Uses Service (SUS) data, or data extracted directly from local patient administration systems. Provisional HES data may be revised throughout the year.

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Published 20 October 2016

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