Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses 2015
HM Treasury statistical data setting out the year's information on government spending.
Public Expenditure Statistical Analyses (PESA) is the yearly publication of information on government spending. It brings together recent outturn data, estimates for the latest year, and spending plans for the rest of the current spending review period.
PESA is based on data from departmental budgets and total expenditure on services, or TES.
The budgeting framework deals with spending within central government department budgets, which is how the government plans and controls spending. Total expenditure on services (TES) represents the spending required to deliver services – what is known as the capital expenditure of the public sector.
The following corrections were made on 10 August 2015 to the Public Spending Statistics release. These changes have been made to the underlying excel tables in this Command Paper. The changes are as follows:
- In Table 7.2 (central government grants to local government), a number of category labels within education were not updated from the 2014 edition. This meant that figures for these grants (Sure Start, Early Intervention Grant, Pupil Premium, Maintained Sixth Forms Grant, Private Finance Initiative Grant and Learner Support) within education were misattributed. The Education total remains unchanged.The underlying excel tables of this command paper have now been amended to show the correct grant names.