Official Statistics

Public Health Outcomes Framework: indicator updates, 7 November 2023

Published 7 November 2023

Applies to England

This page shows the updated data for indicators included in November 2023 publication.

Data for the indicators listed below is added to the PHOF data tool as part of the November update.

Domain B: wider determinants of health indicators

Indicator name Time period added New or updated indicator Geographies included Inequality data Age Already in public domain in exact format Calculated by
B05 - 16 to 17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known Academic year 2022 to 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles Ethnic groups Sex 16 to 17 years Yes DfE (OHID adds confidence limits)
B08a - Gap in the employment rate between those with a physical or mental long-term health condition and the overall employment rate April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 16 to 64 years No OHID, using data provided by the ONS Annual Population Survey
B08a - The percentage of the population with a physical or mental long term health condition in employment April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 16 to 64 years No OHID, using data provided by the ONS Annual Population Survey
B08d - Percentage of people in employment April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles Ethnic groups Disability Age Sex 16 to 64 years Yes ONS

Domain C: health improvement indicators

Indicator name Time period added New or updated indicator Geographies included Inequality data Age Already in public domain in exact format Calculated by
C05b - Breastfeeding prevalence at 6 to 8 weeks after birth April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 6 to 8 weeks No OHID, using data provided by NHS England
C06 - Smoking status at time of delivery April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles All ages Yes OHID, using data provided by NHS England
C07 - Proportion of New Birth Visits completed within 14 days April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles Less than 14 days No OHID
C08a - Child development: percentage of children achieving a good level of development at 2-2½ years April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 to 2 and a half years No OHID
C08b - Child development: percentage of children achieving the expected level in communication skills at 2-2½ years April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 to 2 and a half years No OHID
C08c - Child development: percentage of children achieving the expected level in personal-social skills at 2-2½ years April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 to 2 and a half years No OHID
C09a - Reception: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles Sex Ethnic groups 4 to 5 years Yes NHS England
C09b - Year 6: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles Sex Ethnic groups 10 to 11 years Yes NHS England
C19a - Successful completion of drug treatment - opiate users 2022 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 18 years and over No OHID
C19b - Successful completion of drug treatment - non-opiate users 2022 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 18 years and over No OHID
C19c - Successful completion of alcohol treatment 2022 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 18 years and over No OHID
C20 - Adults with substance misuse treatment need who successfully engage in community-based structured treatment following release from prison April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 18 years and over No OHID, using data provided by NDTMS

Domain D: health protection indicators

Indicator name Time period added New or updated indicator Geographies included Inequality data Age Already in public domain in exact format Calculated by
D03b - Population vaccination coverage - Hepatitis B (1 year old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated County and Unitary Authority No additional Breakdowns 1 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03c - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (1 year old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 1 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03d - Population vaccination coverage - MenB (1 year) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 1 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03e - Population vaccination coverage - Rotavirus (Rota) (1 year) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 1 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03f - Population vaccination coverage - PCV April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 1 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03g - Population vaccination coverage - Hepatitis B (2 years old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated County and Unitary Authority No additional Breakdowns 2 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03h - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 years old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03i - Population vaccination coverage - MenB booster (2 years) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03j - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (2 years old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03k - Population vaccination coverage - PCV booster April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 2 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D03m - Population vaccination coverage - Hib / MenC booster (2 years old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority No additional Breakdowns 2 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D04a - Population vaccination coverage - DTaP/IPV booster (5 years) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 5 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D04b - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (5 years old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 5 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)
D04c - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for two doses (5 years old) April 2022 to March 2023 Updated England Region County and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles 5 years old Yes NHS England (UKHSA adds confidence limits)

The following indicators have been updated in PHOF since the previous update on 5 September 2023 to keep them consistent with other OHID Official Statistics products.

Indicator name Time period added New or updated indicator Geographies included Inequality data Age OHID profiles included in
D07 - HIV late diagnosis (all CD4 less than 350) (%) 2020 to 2022 Updated England Region County District and Unitary Authority Deprivation deciles Exposure groups Ethnic groups 15 years and over Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles