Official Statistics
Pubs Code and Insurance - pulse survey responses
Results of Pubs Code insurance survey
Applies to England and Wales
My pub company is:
Pub Company | No. of responses |
Admiral | 3 |
Greene King | 18 |
Marston’s | 5 |
Punch Pubs | 8 |
Star Pubs & Bars | 10 |
Stonegate (trading name of Ei Group) | 16 |
Were you aware that under the Pubs Code, there are steps your pub company must take and information it must give you when it buys or renews premises insurance and plans to charge you for that insurance?
Yes | 22 |
No | 29 |
Please read the following statements about a pub company’s duties under the Pubs Code. Please select ALL those you were already aware of. Under the Pubs Code my pub company must:
Tell me whether it is charging me more than it has to pay for premises insurance, and if so, how much more | 19 |
Tell me if it receives any commission or rebate on the insurance policy | 11 |
Give me full details of the policy, including details of the cover, what I have to pay and any excess I would pay if I made a claim | 23 |
Give me any further information I would need to compare its insurance policy with other suitable and comparable policies available | 12 |
Provide the required information to me at least 21 days before the pub company takes out the insurance or the policy comes into effect | 13 |
Purchase any suitable and comparable insurance policy I find for my premises, or not charge me the difference (‘price match’) | 15 |
I was not aware of any of the above | 19 |
Have you tried to price match your premises insurance since the Pubs Code came into force in July 2016?
Yes | 16 |
No | 35 |
Why have you not tried to price match your premises insurance? Please select all those that apply:
I wasn’t aware I could price match | 22 |
I was satisfied with the pub company’s charge for the insurance | 3 |
I didn’t think I would be able to price match successfully | 1 |
I didn’t understand what I had to do to price match | 4 |
I didn’t have enough time to find a suitable and comparable policy | 3 |
I could not get a comparable quotation from a broker | 3 |
Other | 2 |
Have you ever successfully price matched your insurance?
Yes | 8 |
No | 10 |
Thinking about the last time you successfully price matched, did your pub company:
| Purchase the policy | Not charge you for the difference |
3 | 5 |
Have you successfully price matched on other occasions?
Yes | 6 |
No | 2 |
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Published 3 August 2021