Official Statistics

Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia Diagnoses May 2015

Number of people diagnosed with dementia according to GP records up to 30 May 2015.


Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Recorded Dementia Diagnoses May 2015


The Department of Health (DH), on behalf of the Secretary of State and NHS England (NHSE), have directed the HSCIC to establish a data collection in order to received specific dementia diagnosis data to support the National Dementia Strategy and the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge , within which aims there is an ambition to improve the national diagnosis rate of dementia.

When the HSCIC receives such a direction we issue a Data Provision Notice to the appropriate providers of the required data.

Data for subsequent months will be published on a monthly basis throughout 2015-16.

Published 20 November 2015