Official Statistics

Quarterly Hospital Activity data for Q2 2020/21

The quarterly activity data covers all specialties but only looks at elective activity whereas monthly data focuses on General & Acute.

Applies to England


Quarterly Hospital Activity data for Q2 2020/21


Quarterly activity data relating to inpatients (elective) and outpatients. All data items relate to all specialties. Figures are submitted quarterly on the Quarterly Activity Return (QAR) by NHS Trusts and Independent sector providers treating NHS patients.

Outpatient data include: • the number of GP and other referrals for first consultant outpatient appointments, • the total number of attendances at consultant outpatient clinics including patients seen for their first appointments as well as those attending for subsequent or follow up appointments, • the number of patients who did not attend their outpatient appointment (first or subsequent) and gave no advance warning, or arrived too late to be seen.

Elective admission events are: • decisions to admit, • patients admitted, • patients failed to attend, • removals other than admission.

Official statistics are produced impartially and free from any political influence.

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Published 27 November 2020

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