Regional Economic Performance Indicators (REPI) investment
Regional Economic Performance Indicators (REPI): investment
- From:
- Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
- Published
- 1 January 2009

Table B1(i) - Total manufacturing investment by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B1(ii) - Total services investment by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B1(iii) - Total other investment by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B1(iv) - Total investment by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B2(i) - Total manufacturing output (GVA) by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B2(ii) - Total services output (GVA) by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B2(iii) - Total other output (GVA) by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B2(iv) - Total output (GVA) by UK and foreign owned companies
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Table B3(i) - Total manufacturing investment by UK and foreign owned companies as a percentage of regional GVA
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Table B3(ii) - Total services investment by UK and foreign owned companies as a percentage of regional GVA Table
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Table B3(iii) - Total other investment by UK and foreign owned companies as a percentage of regional GVA
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Table B3(iv) - Total investment by UK and foreign owned companies as a percentage of regional GVA
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B - Investment
B1 - Investment
(Source: Capital expenditure data from the Annual Business Inquiry, used here as a proxy for investment, Office for National Statistics)
B2 - Investment as percentage of Regional Gross Value Added (GVA)
(Source: Annual Business Inquiry, Office for National Statistics)
B3 - Investment as percentage of Regional Gross Value Added (GVA)
(Source: Capital expenditure data from the Annual Business Inquiry, used here as a proxy for investment, and total regional GVA from the Regional Accounts, Office for National Statistics)