Reported road casualties Great Britain: Injury severity within injury-based reporting systems
A summary of statistics on injury severity and injury type, for reported road casualties in police forces using injury-based reporting systems.
Since 2012, some police forces have begun providing STATS19 data through injury-based reporting systems, most commonly CRaSH (the Collision Recording and SHaring system).
Within injury-based reporting systems, casualty severity data is determined by the most severe injury sustained. This has provided 2 new variables that have not previously been published, most severe injury sustained and a more detailed casualty severity variable which breaks down the serious category.
This factsheet presents an initial analysis of these additional variables, separately for 2019 and 2020, 2021 and 2022, and 2023 when the coverage of police forces using injury-based reported was slightly different. We welcome feedback on this factsheet and would any interest in further analysis of the injury data.
While this data is considered sensitive at the record level, it can be requested from the team via the contact details below subject to completion of an application for sensitive data and agreement of an end user licence.
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