Accredited official statistics

Changes to road casualty statistics: user feedback request

Published 25 May 2022

The road safety statistics team regularly reviews the contents of its publications to ensure they remain relevant and meet user needs. We have recently reviewed the reported road casualties’ statistics and would welcome feedback from users which can be provided by completing our feedback survey or by emailing the road safety statistics team.

Proposed changes to terminology used for casualty statistics

Currently, the terminology used for these statistics is to refer to road accidents, in line with the terminology used in the Road Traffic Act. Following feedback from users of these statistics, in future we intend to instead refer to collisions, rather than accidents. These changes will be made for forthcoming publications.

Question 1: Are you content with the proposed change to refer to collisions, rather than accidents, for the purposes of these statistics?

Proposed changes to tables issued with provisional and final reported road casualties’ statistics

In accordance with the departments policy on spreadsheet accessibility, we are working on making reported road casualties data tables accessible, resulting in some changes to the format and structure of the current data tables. At the same time, we are proposing to make some further changes to the tables to streamline them and make it easier for users to find the statistics of most interest to them.

We propose to group tables that we continue to publish as follows:

Final annual casualty and collision data Title
RAS01 Historic trends
RAS02 Road user type
RAS03 Road type
RAS04 Country, region, and local authority
RAS05 Vehicles and drivers
RAS06 Casualties and vehicles combination
RAS07 Contributory factors
Drink and drug driving Title
RAS20 Drink drive collisions and casualties
RAS21 Crime survey data on drink and drug driving
Other road safety data Title
RAS40 Cost of collisions and casualties
RAS41 Hospital data
Provisional casualty data Title
RAS90 Mid-year (year to June) provisional casualties
RAS91 Annual provisional casualties

A list of all new tables and a look up to the old tables, and reasons for changes, including where tables will be dropped, is available in spreadsheet form. For further details of changes, please contact the road safety statistics team.

The tables we are retaining will be redesigned and made accessible to meet accessibility regulations, and to make them easier to understand to meet user needs. This may involve combining information currently published in separate tables.

We would really appreciate if you could answer the following feedback questions about the new design and structure of our tables:

Question 2: Do any of the proposed changes cause problems with your work?

Question 3: If yes, please specify details of how you have used the information we are proposing to no longer publish

Other aspects of road casualty statistics

In addition to the publications and data tables, we will continue to make data available via our data download tool and dashboard. We always welcome comments on any aspect of the road casualty statistics to inform future developments.

Question 4: What other dissemination tools available for our stats do you use? For what purpose?

Questions 5: Have you got any other feedback on the reported road casualties statistics?

Mailing list for road casualty statistics

The road safety statistics team wishes to receive and retain your contact details so that we can send you emails about updates and feedback opportunities. Your information will be kept secure and will not be used for any other purpose without your permission. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact us using the details below.

To find out more about how DfT looks after personal data, your rights, and how to contact our data protection officer, please go to our personal information charter.

If you are happy for the team to use your information for the purpose described above, please respond to this question with your preferred email contact address. You can let us know at any time if you do not wish to remain on this distribution list - simply email us using the contact details below and say ‘please remove my name’.

Instructions for printing and saving

Depending on which browser you use and the type of device you use (such as a mobile or laptop) these instructions may vary.

Select Ctrl and F on a Windows laptop or Command and F on a Mac

This will open a search box in the top right-hand corner of the page. Type the word you are looking for in the search bar and press enter.

Your browser will highlight the word, usually in yellow, wherever it appears on the page. Press enter to move to the next place it appears.

Tablets and mobile devices normally have the option to “find in text” and “print or save” in their sharing or quick options menu of their browser, but this will vary by device model.

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Road safety statistics