Accredited official statistics

Reported road casualties in Great Britain: April to June 2014

Personal injury accident statistics in the year ending June 2014 on public roads in Great Britain.


Reported road casualties in Great Britain, provisional estimates: April to June 2014 report

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Reported road casualties in Great Britain, provisional estimates: April to June 2014 tables

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In reported road traffic accidents for the year ending June 2014:

  • road deaths increased by 3% compared to the year ending June 2013, to 1,760
  • there were 24,580 killed or seriously injured (KSI) casualties, a 4% increase compared with the previous year
  • there were 193,290 reported road casualties of all severities, 4% higher than the 185,738 for the year ending June 2013
  • motor traffic levels rose by 1.7% compared with the 12 month period ending June 2013. The overall casualty rate per vehicle mile increased by 2% for the same period.

Between April and June 2014:

  • there were 440 road deaths, unchanged from the same quarter in 2013
  • KSIs and slightly injured casualties increased by 7% and 9% respectively.

The quarterly provisional estimates provides in-year estimates of personal injury road accidents and their casualties. These are published to allow emerging trends to be monitored between the publications of annual figures.

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Published 6 November 2014

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