Accredited official statistics

Safety in custody quarterly: update to March 2017

Number of deaths, self-harm and assaults in prison custody in England and Wales.

Applies to England and Wales


Safety in custody summary tables to March 2017

Deaths in prison custody 1978 to 2016

Self-harm in prison custody 2004 to 2016

Assaults in prison custody 2000 to 2016

Deaths data tool

Deaths data tool data

Self-harm data tool

Self-harm data tool data

Assaults data tool

Assaults data tool data


Safety in custody statistics cover deaths, self-harm and assaults in prison custody in England and Wales. This publication updates statistics on deaths to the end of June 2017 and assaults and self-harm up to March 2017.

The bulletin is released by the Ministry of Justice and produced in accordance with arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

Pre-release list

Safety in Custody statistics is produced and handled by the Ministry of Justice’s (MOJ) analytical professionals and production staff. Pre-release access of up to 24 hours is granted to the following persons:

Ministry of Justice

Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for Prisons and Rehabilitation; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Minister for victims, youth and family justice; Permanent Secretary; Director General, Offender Reform and Commissioning Group; Director, Prison Reform Policy; Head of Prison Reform Policy; Deputy Director, Head of Prison and Probation Analytical Services; Director, Sentencing and Rehabilitation; Director General, Finance; Director, Prisons, Probation and Youth Justice Policy; Director, Analytical Services; press officer (x8); private secretaries (x10); Economic Adviser to the Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor; and relevant special advisors (x2).

HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS)

Chief Executive Officer, HMPPS; Chief Operating Officer, HMPPS; Director, Security, Order & Counter Terrorism; Deputy Director, Head of Safer Custody and Public Protection Group; Head of Safer Custody; Head of CEO’s Office; Head of Executive Management Team; Senior Contract Management - Community interventions; PPCS Post Release Statistical Information Manager; Policy Official: Licence recalls.

Other government departments

Home Secretary; Private Secretary.

Updates to this page

Published 27 July 2017
Last updated 2 August 2017 show all updates
  1. The Guide has been updated to reflect the fact that, following an internal review, the decision has been made not to introduce a new measure for serious assaults including the throwing of urine or excrement and spitting. To ensure a consistent approach, the National Statistics to be published in October 2017 will continue to report incidents on the same basis as previously.

  2. Data files added for the data tools.

  3. First published.

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