2024 VOA Statistics Announcements
Updated 12 February 2025
As part of the Code of Practice for Official Statistics we will detail any changes to VOA’s scheduled releases on this page.
This page will also include details of any ad-hoc publications which will include:
- supplementary datasets related to our official statistics
- data in support of VOA’s operational reporting
We welcome feedback on our publications.
Please email the VOA statistics team:
1. Non-domestic rating: stock of properties
Added April 2024
In June 2024, VOA will publish the latest non-domestic rating stock of properties statistics.
As part of this release VOA will be making some amendments and improvements to the structure and content of the publication.
New content
These statistics will now include a breakdown of stock changes since the start of the 2023 rating list. This will be in the form of a table detailing counts of the main types of changes to the rating list i.e. insertions, deletions, reconstitutions. The purpose of this change is to help explain in a more complete way, year-on-year changes to stock and provide a more meaningful set of statistics.
These statistics will also now include a breakdown by Parliamentary Constituency, providing more complete geographical information and consistency with our Council Tax statistics.
Removal of historical information
Due to historic data no longer being easily accessible for analytical purposes, VOA has decided to cease reporting information from the 2000 and 2005 rating lists. This covers the years 2001 – 2010, however this will continue to be available within the timeseries tables in publications prior to 2024.
2. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes
Added April 2024
Removal of historical information
To improve the coherence of our suite of non-domestic statistics, VOA has decided to remove the counts of assessment reviews tables (tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 for 2023 England and Wales; tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 for 2017 England and tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 for 2017 Wales) from the NDR Challenges and Changes publication.
In their place we will add tables in the NDR Stock of Properties publication showing counts of the main types of changes to the list i.e. insertions, deletions, reconstitutions etc, most of which are a result of assessment reviews. The purpose of this change is to help explain in a more complete way, year on year changes to stock and provide a more meaningful set of statistics. These changes will be made in August 2024.
3. Council Tax Stock of Properties
Added April 2024
In July 2024, VOA will publish the latest Council Tax stock of properties statistics. As part of this release VOA will be including new content and removing some historical information.
New content
Parliamentary constituency boundaries will change at the next UK general election. To enable users to see data for these new constituencies we will be including an additional table alongside this publication.
The table will show the number of properties by Council Tax band and proposed Westminster Parliamentary Constituency.
Following the next UK general election, the Parliamentary Constituencies showing in table CTSOP2.0 will be updated to reflect the new boundaries.
Removal of historical information
Historical information will be removed from the following tables. These tables will now include data from 2020 to 2024:
- Table CTSOP 3.1: number of properties by Council Tax band, property type and region, county, local authority district, and lower and middle super output area
- Table CTSOP 4.1: number of properties by Council Tax band, property build period and region, county, local authority district, and lower and middle super output area
Historical information from 1993 to 2019 is still available within the Council Tax stock of properties, 2023 publication.
4. Council Tax: challenges and changes in England and Wales
There are no planned changes to this publication in 2024.
5. Business Floorspace
Added April 2024
In autumn 2024, VOA will publish the results of a Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD) exercise on business floorspace data. This will provide users with an outline of the source data collection process, highlighting the implications for accuracy and quality of the data. The report will also include options on the structure and content of future Business Floorspace statistics and will invite views from users in the form of a consultation.
The next release of Business Floorspace statistics will be delayed to 2025. We will consider feedback from the user consultation and QAAD exercise when designing these statistics.
6. Ad-hoc Releases
Added April 2024
In April 2024, VOA will publish an ad hoc release relating to the 2023 rating list. These statistics will provide the number of properties and total rateable value at 1 April 2023, broken down by local authority and RV band.
Added September 2024
In October 2024, VOA will publish an ad hoc release showing Council Tax stock of properties by 2024 Westminster Parliamentary constituency. This information was published for 2024 in Council Tax: Stock of Properties, 2024 based on proposed Westminster Parliamentary constituencies. We will update these figures to reflect the finalised Westminster Parliamentary constituencies introduced at the 2024 general election, as well as for the preceding 9 years to allow users to make historical comparisons.
We would like to know more about how the published statistics are used, including in particular timeseries information, with a view to implementing changes for the 2025 publications. We propose to launch a user consultation on this later this year; a further announcement will be made soon. Please contact statsitics@voa.gov.uk for more information.
Added in November 2024
VOA have received many requests for statistics about holiday lets, and in particular numbers of deletions from Non-domestic rating (NDR) lists and insertions into Council Tax (CT) lists. We have undertaken analysis to produce estimates for this at a national and regional level and will publish an ad-hoc report in December 2024.
We recognise this area is of interest to users of both our NDR and CT statistics. The information in the report aims to help guide users of VOA’s official statistics to interpret some of the related numbers in those publications. Though it is not yet possible to establish a suitable assured methodology that could be incorporated directly into the official statistics, the report will provide an explanation and provisional best estimate of holiday let properties moving between the NDR and CT lists.