Official Statistics

2025 VOA Statistics Announcements

Updated 12 February 2025

As part of the Code of Practice for Official Statistics we will detail any changes to VOA’s scheduled releases on this page.

This page will also include details of any ad-hoc publications which will include:

  • supplementary datasets related to our official statistics
  • data in support of VOA’s operational reporting

We welcome feedback on our publications.
Please email the VOA statistics team:

User feedback invited

1.1. Non-domestic rating: Business Floorspace data

In December 2024, VOA published the results of a Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD) exercise on business floorspace data.

This report included options on the structure and content of future Business Floorspace statistics, we invite users to provide their feedback as part of this consultation.

This consultation will run until 30 January 2025 and the VOA will publish a report on the responses to the consultation.

1.2. Council Tax data

VOA’s administrative systems are changing. These systems are the data source of our Council Tax official statistics.

Ahead of the 2025 releases, we will be redeveloping the publications to use this new data source.

We would like to ensure the statistics continue to provide relevant information to our users.

We are inviting users to provide their feedback to

Ad-hoc Releases

2.1. Non-domestic rating: properties over £500,000

On 5 February 2025, VOA will publish an ad hoc release relating to properties with a rateable value of over £500,000. This will be in the form of csv files, based on existing csv files within our non-domestic rating: stock of properties release. It will provide a SCat breakdown by Local Authority for properties with a rateable value above and below £500,000. This release was originally planned for January 2025, however, due to unforeseen circumstances it will now be published on 5 February 2025.

2.2. Non-domestic rating: summary of properties over £500,000

On 21 February 2025, VOA will publish an ad hoc release relating to properties with a rateable value of £500,000 and over. This is a summary of the information published within csv files on 5 February 2025 as part of our non-domestic rating: stock of properties release, with a breakdown by sub-sector and region for properties with a rateable value over £500,000. Its release is to support the committee stage of the Bill on 24 February 2025.

Our regular publications

3.1. Non-domestic rating: stock of properties

VOA will add rateable value detail for the rateable value bands as shown in table 2.1.

3.2. Non-domestic rating: challenges and changes

There are no planned changes to this publication in 2025.

3.3. Non-domestic rating: business floorspace

The next release of Business Floorspace statistics will be published in 2025.
We will consider feedback from the user consultation and QAAD exercise when designing these statistics.

3.4. Non-domestic rating: revaluation

Statistics showing the change in the rateable value of non-domestic properties as a result of the 2026 revaluation will be published alongside the 2026 draft list, expected to be autumn 2025.
There are no planned changes to this publication, the previous publication is available here.

3.5. Council Tax Stock of Properties

Council Tax: stock of properties will be redeveloped ahead of the 2025 release. We will consider feedback from the users when designing these statistics.

3.6. Council Tax: challenges and changes in England and Wales

Council Tax: challenges and changes in England and Wales will be redeveloped ahead of the 2025 release. We will consider feedback from the users when designing these statistics.