Official Statistics

Schedule of updates and announcements for HMRC's statistics

Publication plan for HMRC National and Official Statistics. Any changes to the schedule will be detailed in the announcements.



Exact dates of HMRC’s statistics are announced no later than 4 weeks in advance on the statistics release calendar. As part of the Code of Practice for Statistics, any changes to the schedule will be stated and detailed in the announcements page.

Announcements for previous years can be found on The National Archives.

Updates to this page

Published 16 December 2013
Last updated 21 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added an announcement confirming to the revision to VAT receipts.

  2. Includes new information on corrections to the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings Statistics published 28 March 2025.

  3. Includes new information on corrections to the Tobacco Bulletin published 28 February 2025.

  4. Added an announcement alerting users of planned revisions to VAT receipts for 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024.

  5. Published '2025 HMRC statistics announcements' and removed '2024 HMRC statistics announcements' (this is still available - through the link to The National Archives on the page).

  6. HMRC identified a minor error affecting the commentary in the 2023 version of the annual Corporation Tax Statistics publication. This error only affected the commentary and has now been corrected.

  7. Added an announcement for the Property Statistics team for a postponement to our monthly property transaction from December to January.

  8. Added entry for November 2024 informing users that HMRC has investigated an error impacting the 2024 Annual Savings Statistics and will release corrected figures in December 2024.

  9. HMRC has identified an error impacting 2024 Annual Savings Statistics.

  10. Published announcement regarding Undisclosed foreign income in Self Assessment by UK residents, 2018 to 2019

  11. Update on the postponement of the UK regional trade in goods statistics disaggregated by smaller geographical areas publication

  12. There will be a delay in publishing the Scottish VAT Assignment Experimental Statistics 2022.

  13. HM Revenue & Customs has identified an error impacting Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics.

  14. Summary of movements of goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain 2023 announcement.

  15. Change to the release date of the 'Non-domiciled taxpayers in the UK' publication from 4 July 2024 to 9 July 2024. This is due to the 2024 General Election taking place on the planned publication date.

  16. Correction for Asymmetries in international trade in goods statistics: UK measured against trade partners 2020 to 2022 amended.

  17. Added publication plan for April 2024 to March 2025, which replaces the plan for the previous year. Removed the list of 2023 statistics announcements.

  18. Addition of the Employee Share Schemes statistics new release date.

  19. Added Child and Working Tax Credits error and fraud statistics announcement to 2024 HMRC statistics announcements.

  20. Correction announcement for business count 2021 and 2022 Customs Importer and Exporter Population Publication

  21. Published announcement on UK trade in goods diversification 2018 to 2022

  22. Published announcement regarding Asymmetry analysis for trade in goods statistics between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, 2017 to 2022 publication

  23. Published an announcement regarding the HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK publication, and added a new section to the page for 2024 announcements.

  24. Information added to the 2023 HMRC statistics announcements page describing a delay to the publication of some statistics on Venture Capital Trusts.

  25. Added a correction regarding the overseas trade in goods statistics 2023.

  26. Stamp Duty Land Tax statistics updated Non Resident Stamp Duty Land Tax (NRSDLT) figures and confirmation of publication date for the annual UK Stamp Tax statistics.

  27. An update has been provided, regarding the addition of Climate Change Levy data in the environmental taxes bulletin.

  28. A correction has been made to the 2021 customs declaration volumes for international trade statistical data tables.

  29. Announcement of the publication date for new experimental statistics relating to Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT).

  30. Added Correction to Child and Working Tax Credits error and fraud statistics 2021 to 2022 to 2023 HMRC statistics announcements.

  31. Update to the release date of the non-structural tax reliefs publication with corrected values for the First Time Buyers' Relief cost and claimants for the financial year 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022.

  32. Added a section to the first HTML attachment for the delay to Employee Share Scheme statistics scheduled for June 2023.

  33. New announcement added for 22 June 2023: Summary of movements of goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain 2022

  34. Added publication plan for April 2023 to March 2024, which replaces the plan for the previous year. Removed the list of 2022 statistics announcements.

  35. Customs declaration volumes for international trade in goods in 2022: This publication details the number of customs declarations submitted to HMRC for international trade in goods in the calendar year 2022.

  36. Publication date for Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings has been confirmed as 28 April 2023

  37. Delay to the release of the Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings Statistics, which will now be published later in the spring.

  38. February 2023 Alcohol Bulletin publication has been delayed, a publication date will be confirmed as soon as is feasible.

  39. Updated February - Change to the release date of the Local sites and numbers of employees linked to businesses involved in international trade in goods, by subnational areas of the UK 2021 publication.

  40. Updated 2023 HMRC statistics announcements with a change to the release date of the March 2023 month of account Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics.

  41. Added 2023 announcements page with 31 January announcement of an error affecting the 2021 publication of UK stamp tax statistics, the Quarterly Stamp Duty Land Tax statistics, and the 2023 publication of the non-structural tax reliefs publication. 

  42. HMRC has announced that two errors have been identified in the Stamp Duty Land Tax relief estimates and claimant numbers included in both the 2021 publication of tax relief statistics and the 2021 publication for Annual Stamp Taxes.

  43. HMRC has published an announcement detailing a potential error relating to April 2021 to March 2022 net VAT receipts.

  44. The release of the annual Stamp Taxes Report has been confirmed as 31 January 2023. The release of the quarterly Stamp Duty Land Tax report has been delayed until 10 February 2023.

  45. The release of the Venture Capital Trusts statistics has been delayed to January 2023

  46. The tax relief statistics publication date has been moved to 12 January 2023.

  47. The release of the Annual UK VAT Statistics has been delayed.

  48. The release of the UK Stamp Tax statistics has been delayed to January 2023.

  49. An entry has been added relating to property rental income statistics.

  50. The release date for the September 2022 UK Stamp Tax statistics has been delayed to 2 December 2022.

  51. An entry has been added relating to the tax relief statistics for the Multiple Dwellings structural tax relief.

  52. The release date for the May 2022 overseas trade in goods statistics has moved from 12 July 2022 to 13 July 2022.

  53. Removal of a paragraph incorrectly included. Added a new announcement regarding the change in release date of the Taxable benefits in kind and expenses payment statistics.

  54. Updated for the announcement of the Charity Tax Relief statistics,

  55. Added publication plan for April 2022 to March 2023

  56. Additional detail added to Customs Importer and Exporter Population announcement relating to methodology changes.

  57. Update regarding the upcoming Customs Importer and Exporter population release superceding the UK Importer and Exporter population release.

  58. A correction note relating to an identified error within VAT registered population statistics has been added to the 2022 HMRC statistics announcements section.

  59. A correction note relating to the 'Measuring tax gaps 2021 edition’ publication has been added to the 2022 HMRC statistics announcements section.

  60. Removed 2021 announcements page and added 2022 announcements page with 27 January announcement for change of UK regional trade in goods statistics date of publication.

  61. Announcement regarding a change to the release date of the UK regional trade in goods statistics: third quarter 2021.

  62. An edit to announce the withdrawal of the Child Benefit or Child Tax Credit estimates for children residing in a non-UK EEA country statistics.

  63. An update to include the pre-announced release of the Child and Working Tax Credits statistics: finalised annual awards, supplement on payments – 2019 to 2020

  64. Added a paragraph about charity statistics to the '2021 HMRC statistics announcements’ publication.

  65. Two additions to the 2021 HMRC statistics announcements document: and announcement regarding a change to the release date of the 2021 estimated cost of tax reliefs publication, and an announcement for the personal pensions statistics publication.

  66. Added announcement regarding error in HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK

  67. Announcement regarding a change to the release date of the November month of account Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics.

  68. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the publication date of the 'Scottish VAT assignment - Experimental Statistics 2019 estimate' publication.

  69. Announcement regarding a change to the release date of the UK regional trade in goods statistics: second quarter 2021.

  70. Added announcement regarding Charity Tax Relief statistics

  71. Added personal pensions announcement

  72. Added publication plan for April 2021 to March 2022

  73. Updated the HMRC statistics announcements with the publication date of the Benefit in Kind statistics.

  74. Aggregates Levy Bulletin, Climate Change Levy and Carbon Price Floor Bulletin, and Landfill Tax Bulletin June 2021 publication cancellation information added to HMRC statistics announcements.

  75. Announcement regarding a change to the release date of the UK regional trade in goods statistics: first quarter 2021

  76. Added announcement on tax receipts revision.

  77. Announcement regarding change to the August month of account Overseas Trade in Goods Statistics release date

  78. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the publication date of the 'Direct Effects of Illustrative Tax Changes' publication.

  79. HMRC statistics announcements updated to include Employee Share Scheme announcement.

  80. Delay announced for the Landfill Tax Bulletin (updated with provisional data for November 2020 to April 2021).

  81. The Statistical Announcements have been updated to reflect a delay to the Individuals Savings Accounts (ISA) statistics.

  82. Added announcement for 'flexible payments from pensions' publication and announced the delays to 'Personal pensions' and 'Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) statistics' publications.

  83. This page has been updated to include an announcement regarding the 'HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK' publication.

  84. Announced a delay to 'Measuring tax gaps' publication.

  85. Added announcement regarding delay to annual publication plan

  86. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the publication date of the 'Non-structural tax reliefs – additional cost estimates (May 2021)' publication.

  87. Added 2021 announcements document

  88. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the publication date of the 'Direct Effects of Illustrative Tax Changes' publication.

  89. The document includes a new announcement on the Disaggregation of HMRC tax receipts publication.

  90. HMRC statistics announcements updated with the Aggregates Levy Bulletin, Climate Change Levy (CCL) and Carbon Price Floor (CPF) Bulletin, and Hydrocarbon Oils Bulletin release dates.

  91. HMRC statistics announcements updated with the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme statistics and Self Employment Income Support Scheme statistics release dates.

  92. HMRC statistics announcements updated with Eat Out to Help Out statistics release date

  93. HMRC statistics announcements publication updated to include HMRC Personal Pension Statistics.

  94. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the publication date of the 'Scottish VAT assignment Experimental Statistics 2018 estimate' publication.

  95. Update to include note on Eat Out to Help Out, Self Employed Income Support Scheme and Coronavirus Job Retention Support Scheme statistic. (all in one row)

  96. HMRC statistics announcements publication updated to include UK Charity Tax Relief Statistics.

  97. Updated Hydrocarbon Oils Bulletin: August 2020 release date

  98. An update for the Child and Working Tax Credits statistics: small area data - 2018 to 2019.

  99. Update to include an announcement on the tax relief statistics publication.

  100. The announcements document has been updated to include an announcement regarding the September publication on HMRC Personal Pension Statistics.

  101. The announcements document has been updated to include an announcement regarding the September publication on HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK.

  102. Added the Income Tax deducted from pay statistics announcement.

  103. This document has been updated to include announcements regarding the upcoming publications 'Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme statistics: August 2020' and 'Self-Employment Income Support Scheme statistics: August 2020'.

  104. This document has been updated to include announcements regarding the upcoming publications 'HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK' and 'HMRC Income Tax receipts statistics'.

  105. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with a revised publication date for the 'Creative industries statistics' publication.

  106. Updated announcement document with revised publication date of the June 2020 release of the Overseas Trade in Goods (OTS) statistics.

  107. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the publication date of the 'Scottish VAT assignment Experimental Statistics 2018 provisional estimate' publication.

  108. Updated HMRC Announcements document with revised publication dates for several upcoming publications.

  109. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the new publication date of the 'Government revenues from UK oil and gas production' publication.

  110. Updated the HMRC Announcements document with the updated details of the 'Non-structural tax reliefs – Additional cost estimates' publication.

  111. Updated the announcements list to reflect delays in the release dates for the Overseas Trade in Goods (OTS) statistics.

  112. Updated with publication date for the new 'Single-year cost estimates of previously uncosted non-structural tax reliefs: Experimental statistics' publication.

  113. Updated the announcements list to reflect changes in the release date for the Individual Savings Account (ISA) statistics.

  114. Published a new annual HMRC statistics publication schedule for 2020 to 2021

  115. Updated with publication date for 'Scottish VAT Assignment - Experimental Statistics' publication.

  116. Updated with announcement change for 'Scottish VAT Assignment - Experimental Statistics' publication.

  117. Updated with announcement change for 'Scottish VAT Assignment - Experimental Statistics' publication

  118. This has been updated to include an announcement about the publication of 'Direct effects of illustrative tax changes'.

  119. Changes to the release dates of the Disaggregation of HMRC tax receipts publication and UK regional trade in goods statistics: fourth quarter 2019

  120. Corrected date and title for the publication of Earnings and Employment Statistics from PAYE.

  121. Corrected date for the publication of Earnings and Employment Statistics from PAYE.

  122. Updated the announcements list to reflect changes in the release date for the Earnings and Employment Statistics from Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information.

  123. Change to the release date of Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and Corporate Tax Receipts from the Banking Sector

  124. Update on the timeframe and data released in personal pension statistics has been added.

  125. Updated with the latest publication announcement for the Scottish VAT Assignment Experimental Statistics.

  126. Updated with the latest publication announcement for the HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK publication.

  127. Updated with the latest publication announcement for the HMRC tax receipts and National Insurance contributions for the UK publication.

  128. Updated with the latest publication announcement for the Scottish VAT Assignment Experimental Statistics.

  129. Change of publication date for Creative Industries Statistics

  130. Updated to include announcements relating to Personal Pensions statistics and Individual Savings Account statistics

  131. Updated to include an announcement relating to Capital Gains Tax statistics and non-domiciled taxpayers in the UK statistics.

  132. Updated to include an announcement relating to Inheritance Tax statistics.

  133. This has been updated with an announcement relating to our publication on Disaggregation of HMRC tax receipts October 2018.

  134. The documents have been updated to include details of the first release of experimental statistics on the Scottish VAT assignment.

  135. This page has been updated to included details of a delay to the publication of the Official Statistics release 'Numbers of taxpayers and registered traders'.

  136. Updated to include the announcement of the Creative Industries and R&D tax relief statistics

  137. Updated to include the announcement of the Creative Industries and R&D tax relief statisitics

  138. Latest update

  139. Updated to announce a delay to the publication of the personal pensions contribution and tax relief statistics.

  140. Updated annual schedule to include 2019.

  141. Updated to include the announcement of the Help to Save Statistics

  142. Updated with information about the publication of Earnings and Employment Statistics from Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Real Time Information: April 2014 to September 2018.

  143. Updated for new annual ATED statistics release date

  144. Updated to include information about the Trust Statistics

  145. Updated with information on the release of Official Statistics on the Soft Drinks Industry Levy

  146. This publication contains a further update regarding the delay to Dissagregated receipts release.

  147. This has been updated regarding a delay to the schedlued publication for the Disaggregation of HMRC tax receipts.

  148. Addition of an announcement for Venture Capital Trusts statistics

  149. Addition of an announcement for the SDIL publication.

  150. Updated to include information about the Trust Statistics.

  151. The announcements page has been updated to show that HMRC's Gender Pay Gap Analysis is being added to HMRC's annual scheduled updates. This year's report will be published in November/December 2018.

  152. The announcements page has been updated. The UK Personal Wealth Statistics will now be published in January 2019.

  153. The announcements page had been updated to include details of corrections to the Taxable Benefits in Kind and Expenses Payments Statistics which will be published on 23rd July.

  154. We have added information about the scheduling of the 'Measuring Tax Gaps' and 'Tobacco Tax Gaps' publications.

  155. The Announcements document has been updated to include details of additional tables to be published in this September's update of the personal pensions: contribution and tax relief statistics.

  156. Updated schedule

  157. The announcement page has been updated to include details of a move to the publication time for the Number of Taxpayer and Traders.

  158. An update of the HMRC announcements for 2018 to 2019 document

  159. The Announcements page has been updated to include details of revisions to the Estimated cost of minor tax reliefs table.

  160. Updated Annual Schedule published covering April 2018 onwards.

  161. Updated schedule and announcements.

  162. Updated the HMRC Announcements attachment with details of revisions to the Taxable Benefits in Kind statistics.

  163. Update to the Schedule of HMRC statistics.

  164. Update to the Schedule of HMRC statistics

  165. The annual scheduled updates calendar has been updated to incorporate a new UK Real time information experimental statistics release

  166. Updated announcement document.

  167. This has been updated to include the latest announcement on the next tax reliefs publication.

  168. Updated announcement document.

  169. Update to scheduled announcements

  170. Updated announcement document.

  171. Updated announcement document.

  172. Updated announcement document.

  173. Updated announcement document.

  174. The Child and Working Tax Credits Provisional statistics will now be published in May, the Finalised Award, Supplement on Payment statistics and Geographical analysis will be published in June and the Non-EU trade by declared Currency of Invoice will be published on 25 April 2017.

  175. Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics: finalised award statistics - small area data (2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015) and Child Benefit Statistics (geographical and small area data) will be published at 9:30 on Thursday 23 March 2017.

  176. The Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics: finalised award statistics - small area data have been removed from the website pending further investigations.The Child Benefit Statistics (geographical and small area data) due to be published at 09:30 on Tuesday 28 February 2017 will also be delayed.

  177. updated announcement document

  178. The Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics (provisional) publication has been delayed and will now be published at 9:30 on Friday 6 January 2017.

  179. The first annual release of official statistics on Transfers to Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) will be published on 6 December 2016.

  180. Employee Share Schemes National Statistics will be published in June 2017

  181. Statistical announcements following the outcome of two consultations and the publication of an ad-hoc release.

  182. Delay to the publication of Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics (small area data)

  183. New statistics on the Patent Box Relief to be published in September.

  184. Announcement relating to the republication of National Statistics on HMRC receipts published in May 2016.

  185. Announcement following the response from a user consultation exercise.

  186. New ad-hoc release announced: Tax contribution of recently arrived EEA nationals for 2013-14

  187. The publication date currently shown in the Release Calendar of 30 April 2016 is incorrect. In line with Release Practises in the National Statistics Code of Practise, this table will be published at 09:30 on Friday, 29th April 2016. The release calendar has now been updated. If you have any questions relating to this announcement, please email Karen Mason at

  188. Updates to the Employee Share Schemes National Statistics publication will not be published on 30 June 2016 as previously scheduled

  189. Change to the publication date of the Income Tax deducted from pay by industry statistics

  190. Change to the schedule of updates for HMRC's statistics

  191. Description of change to annual / monthly schedule of updates for HMRC statistics

  192. Change to the publication date of the Personal Income Analyses National Statistics.

  193. Change to the publication date of the Income Tax Liabilities National Statistics and the Personal Income Analyses National Statistics.

  194. Change of date for Creative Industries Publication

  195. Two new announcements to the publication schedule.

  196. Change in the publication date of the Venture Capital Trusts Official Statistics publication, an announcement of the publication date for the Official Statistics release for the VAT Factsheet and an announcement of a new Official Statistics publication for the flexible payments from pensions.

  197. New announcement.

  198. Update to the announcements document.

  199. Change to the date of the Enterprise Investment Scheme and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme statistics publication.

  200. Updated with 2015 to 2016 publication plan, and removed 2014 to 2015 plan and scheduled updates.

  201. New announcement.

  202. Updated for March 2015

  203. New announcement added

  204. Updated January scheduled updates to reflect change of date to the personal income release.

  205. Added February and March 2015 schedule updates

  206. A new announcement has been added.

  207. Added January 2015 schedule update

  208. Annual schedule and November calendar updated

  209. Updated Announcements schedule

  210. Added timetable for December and removed September's. Also, updated the Announcements and Annual Schedule documents.

  211. Added November 2014 Updates

  212. Added schedule of updates for October 2014.

  213. Announcement that publication date for the ‘HMRC Receipts’ table in September 2014 will be re-scheduled from Friday, 19 September to Tuesday, 23 September

  214. Updated the documents.

  215. Added the August 2014 calendar, and removed May 2014.

  216. Added a new section called Announcements.

  217. Added document Announcements – April 2014 to March 2015.

  218. Added document for July 2014

  219. Release date for 'Monthly Property Transactions' publication in April amended to Wednesday, 23 April 2014. We are implementing this change as current requirements for pre-release access only allow up to 24hrs before publication, so the day before publication needs to be a working day to be of practical use to our stated pre-release customers. If you have any queries on this change, please email

  220. Added scheduled updates for June 2014, and removed scheduled updates for February 2014.

  221. Added May 2014 document, and new annual scheduled updates document.

  222. Scheduled updates for April 2014 added

  223. Added schedules for January, February and March 2014

  224. First published.

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