Official Statistics

School and college performance tables: 2012 to 2013

Information on the attainment of students of sixth-form age in secondary schools and further education sector colleges.

Applies to England


School and college performance tables in England, 2012 to 2013


These performance tables provide information on the attainment of students of sixth-form age in local secondary schools and further education sector colleges in the academic year 2012 to 2013. They also show how these results compare with other schools and colleges in the local authority area and in England as a whole.

The tables report the results of 16- to 18-year-old students at the end of advanced level study in the 2012 to 2013 academic year. All schools and colleges in a local authority area are listed in alphabetical order, including:

  • maintained secondary schools
  • academies
  • free schools
  • independent schools
  • further education colleges with students aged 16 to 18

Special schools that have chosen to be included are also listed, as are any sixth-form centres or consortia that operate in an area.

This year, the performance indicators are separated into three separate cohorts:

  • A level
  • academic
  • vocational

To be included in a cohort, a student needs to have taken at least one substantial qualification in one or more of the qualification types. Students following programmes of mixed qualification types may belong to more than one cohort, therefore full-time equivalent (FTE) figures are provided alongside student numbers. FTE figures take account of the proportion of time a student spends in each cohort based on the size of the qualification.

Performance tables

Joanna Edgell and Moira Nelson

0370 000 2288

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Published 23 January 2014

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