Official Statistics

School capacity: academic year 2016 to 2017

Statistics on school places, unfilled school places, pupils over capacity, pupil number forecasts and place planning in England.

Applies to England


Commentary: SFR07/2018

Main tables: SFR07/2018:

Additional tables: SFR07/2018

Technical note: SFR07/2018


The annual school capacity survey 2017 provides national and local authority level information as at May 2017 on the numbers of:

  • primary school places
  • secondary school places
  • unfilled school places
  • pupils over school capacity

It also provides pupil number forecasts up to the:

  • 2021 to 2022 academic year at primary level
  • 2023 to 2024 academic year at secondary level

Additional tables on estimated places needed at the national, local authority and planning area level are also provided.

School Capacity

Selena Jackson
Pupil Place Planning team


Telephone: 020 7783 8599

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Published 15 March 2018

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