Schools, pupils and their characteristics: January 2011
Information collected in the January 2011 school census, including the number of schools and pupils.
Reference id: SFR12/2011
Publication type: statistical first release
Publication data: underlying statistical data
Local authority data: LA data
Region: England
Release date: 22 June 2011
Coverage status: final
Publication status: published
This release includes information on:
- the number of schools and pupils
- tables showing the number of pupils by:
- age
- gender
- free school meal eligibility
- ethnicity
- first language
- gifted and talented status
- mode of travel
It also includes a range of class size information.
School types included in this publication are:
- state-funded
- primary
- secondary
- special schools
- independent schools
- pupil referral units
- alternative provision
In previous years this release has been published with provisional data in May and updated with final data in June, however this year this has been rationalised into 1 release of final data in June.
The main points from this release are:
- in January 2011 there were around 8.1 million pupils (headcount) in all schools in England
- in maintained nursery, state-funded primary, secondary and special schools overall the proportion of pupils known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals increased
- in both state-funded primary and secondary schools the proportion of pupils classified as being of minority ethnic origin increased
- in both state-funded primary and secondary schools the proportion of pupils whose first language was believed to be other than English increased
- the average size of key stage 1 and key stage 2 classes taught by one teacher increased
- the average size of classes taught by one teacher in state-funded primary schools increased slightly, while the average size of classes taught by one teacher in state-funded secondary schools decreased slightly
Contact details
School census statistics team
Ann Claytor 0370 000 2288