Accredited official statistics

Schools, pupils and their characteristics: January 2014

Information collected in the January 2014 school census, including the number of schools and pupils.

Applies to England


Main text: SFR15/2014

National tables: SFR15/2014

Cross-border movement matrix tables: SFR15/2014


This release is based upon information collected in the January 2014 school census.

This publication covers all types of school in England including:

  • local authority maintained schools
  • academies
  • free schools
  • studio schools
  • university technical colleges
  • independent schools

The technical note explains the statistics.

Contact details

School census statistics team


Ann Claytor 0370 000 2288

Updates to this page

Published 12 June 2014
Last updated 11 March 2015 show all updates
  1. Updated main text, national tables, local authority and regional tables, underlying data files and added a technical note document.

  2. This publication has been revised. The 3 to 11 age range school named with the largest number of pupils has been updated and information on the distribution of large infant classes in 2014 between lawful and unlawful has been temporarily removed while investigation of the data submitted by schools and local authorities is undertaken.

  3. First published.

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