Pre-release access list: 2022 to 2023 monthly seasonal influenza vaccine uptake reports
Updated 23 March 2023
Applies to England
For the 2022 to 2023 influenza season, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publishes online a cumulative seasonal influenza vaccine uptake report of frontline healthcare workers, all NHS England trusts and NHS England teams. The report is published monthly on Thursdays at 2pm.
The following post holders will be given pre-release access up to 24 hours prior to release. Statistical staff and those involved in the production and quality assurance of the document are excluded.
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)
- Chief Medical Officer
- Private Secretary, CMO – Private Office
- Deputy Chief Medical Officer (DCMO)
- Secretary of State (SoS) for Health and Social Care
- Private Secretary, SoS – Private Office
- Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Vaccines and Public Health)
- Private Secretary, PS(P) – Private Office
- Minister of State for Health
- Private Secretary, PS(MS(H)) – Private Office
- Perm Sec to DHSC
- Private Secretary, Perm Sec – Private Office
- Special Advisors
- DG Acute Care and Workforce
- Director, Provider, Efficiency and Performance
- Deputy Director, Patient Access and Flow team
- Head of Flu Policy
- Policy Manager, Seasonal Flu Policy
- Pharmacy Team
- Patient Access and Flow Team
- Press Office
NHS Employers
- Assistant Director-Employment services
- Programme Lead
- Senior Programme Officers
- Programme Officer
NHS England and NHS Improvement
- Chief Executive of NHS England’s Office
- National Medical Director
- Chief Operating Officer
- SRO for Vaccine Deployment
- National Director of Urgent and Emergency Care
- Director of Elective Care Recovery and Transformation
- Director of Public Health Commissioning and Operations
- Deputy Director, Public Health Commissioning and Operations
- Programme Manager
- Senior Strategy Advisers
- Press Officers
NHS Digital
- Analytical Section Head
- Information Analysis Lead Manager