Official Statistics

Secondary school applications and offers: 2013

Local authority-level data about applications and offers for places in secondary schools for the academic year 2013 to 2014.

Applies to England


Main text: SFR12/2013

Main tables: SFR12/2013

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Underlying data: SFR12/2013

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Reference ID: SFR12/2013

Publication type: Statistical First Release

Publication data: Local Authority data

Local authority data: LA data

Release date: 26 March 2013

Coverage status: Final

Publication status: Published

This statistical report gives local authority level information about secondary school applications and offers received by parents on National Offer Day 2013 (1 March), as provided by local authorities. It details the number of applications received, offers made based on preferences expressed, alternative offers and offers to schools within and outside of the local authority.

The key points from the latest release are:

  • 86.7% of families received an offer of a place at their first preference school - an increase of 1.4 percentage points compared to March 2012 and continuing the recent rising trend.
  • 96.5% of families received an offer of a place at one of their top three preferred schools - an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to March 2012 and continuing the recent rising trend.
  • 97.8% of families received an offer of a place at one of their preferred schools - an increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to March 2012 and continuing the recent rising trend.

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Published 26 March 2013

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