Seizures of drugs in England and Wales, financial year ending 2019 second edition
Contains figures for seizures of drugs made by local police forces and the UK Border Force.
Applies to England and Wales
The data relate to all drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Psychoactive Substances Act 2016. The number and quantity of seizures made can be affected by police and Border Force activity and changes in recording practices, as well as changes in the drugs market. Therefore, the number and quantity of drug seizures each year should not be taken as an indicator of drug prevalence in England and Wales.
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Further information
Seizures of drugs in England and Wales: user guide
Home Office statisticians are committed to regularly reviewing the usefulness, clarity and accessibility of the statistics that we publish under the Code of Practice for Statistics.
Updates to this page
Seizures of drugs in England and Wales, financial year ending 2019: data tables have been revised to a third edition; Area Table 4: 'Drug seizures per million population by drug class, type and police force area, 2018-19’ has been updated after a processing error was identified and resolved.
Following the initial release of data, some corrections were received from Border Force which affected data on seizures of fentanyl and fentanyl analogues. Revisions have therefore been made to Summary Table 1, Summary Table 4, Area Table 1, Area Table 3, Appendix Table 3 and Appendix Table 4 and Chapter 2 and 3 of the publication.
First published.