Official Statistics

Serious e-scooter casualties: comparing police and hospital data

An analysis of e-scooter casualties reported by police via the STATS19 system, linked to trauma patient data from the Trauma Audit Research Network (TARN).



The Department’s road casualty statistics are based on data reported by police via the STATS19 system. E-scooter collisions have been recorded in STATS19 since 2020, using information captured as free text alongside the ‘other vehicle’ category. This forms the basis of the Department’s published e-scooter statistics.

It has long been known that many non-fatal casualties are not reported to police. As e-scooters are not yet formally recorded within STATS19, and remain illegal in Great Britain outside designated trial areas, it has been suggested that the extent of this under-reporting could be greater for e-scooters than other modes.

This report compares STATS19 records with data on trauma patients provided by TARN to attempt to assess, among those hospitalised e-scooter casualties with relatively more serious injuries, what proportion appear in the police data, and how this compares with other vulnerable road user types (pedal cyclists and motorcyclists).

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Published 24 May 2023

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