Sexual and Reproductive Health Services, England (Contraception) 2018/19 [NS]
Information on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
This publication covers activity taking place in the community at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including activity at non NHS service providers where available.
SRH services include family planning services, community contraception clinics, integrated GUM and SRH services and young people’s services e.g. Brook advisory centres. They provide a range of services including, but not exclusively, contraception provision and advice, sexual health treatment and advice, pregnancy related care, abortion related care, cervical screening, psychosexual therapy, PMS treatment, colposcopy services, fertility treatment and care and gynaecological treatment and care.
A contact within this report may be a clinic attendance or a contact with the service at a non-clinic venue. Non face to face contacts (e.g. by telephone) are not currently included, but it does include activity at non-clinic venues (such as home visits / outreach).
The data includes non-English residents using services based in England.
This report excludes services provided in out-patient clinics, at community pharmacies and those provided by General Practitioners, unless otherwise stated.