Official Statistics

Shipping fleet statistics: 2022

The size of the UK and world shipping fleets on 31 December 2022.



Change to data provider

The world fleet information as at December 2022 used in this release is based on data supplied by Sea/ while previous years are based on data provided by IHS.

UK ownership and management (section 3 of the 2021 release) has not been updated in the 2022 release. It is not yet available as more time is needed to ensure consistency between the datasets. This information will be updated alongside another maritime statistics publication as soon as is practicable, at the latest with the 2023 release. More details about the changes to our data can be found in notes and definitions.

Gross tonnage on the UK Ship Register was 10.3 million at end of December 2022, an increase of 1%, compared to the end of December 2021.

Based on commercial data supplied by Sea/ by Maritech, at the end of 2022, the UK registered trading fleet:

  • was the 23rd largest trading fleet in the world and accounted for 0.5% of the world fleet deadweight tonnage
  • accounted for 23% of deadweight tonnage of the Red Ensign Group trading fleet, which as a whole would be the world’s 10th largest trading fleet

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Published 29 March 2023

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