Special consideration in GCSE and A Level: summer 2016 exam series
Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances.
Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales
Main findings
- The number of requests for special consideration has increased by 4% on last year, from 568,350 to 589,650; this is in the context of a 6% decrease in the number of candidate scripts.
- This year 550,700 requests were approved for special consideration; a 5% increase on 2015, partly due to significant events (such as flooding) affecting entire school cohorts.
- The approval rate this year was slightly over 93%; the number of approved requests represents nearly 4% of all scripts marked in the summer 2016 series.
- The most common mark adjustment made was 2% of the maximum mark of a question paper, closely followed by 3% of the maximum mark. Last year the most common mark adjustment was 3%, followed by 2% of the maximum mark.
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